I Found A Reason To Show A Side Of Me You Didn't Know

Aug 16, 2004 18:30

*thinks*...I started off with my normal bowl of cereal...and was trying to decide - like every morning - what to do for the day. As I was going upstairs I checkout the window and in the palmetto tree outside the window (it's like RIGHT THERE, touching the window) is a squirrel. *_* Now if you don't know I LOVE squirrels - I find them really amusing. Anyway so I went and retrieved my digicam and took pics of the ever-so-close squirrel then went to get my vidcam. I turned it on only to find out it WOULDN'T turn on - the battery needed charging. So I was like, 'Ok, that's fine I'll just charge it for future use." So I take out the box I had all my electronic wires in and IT WASN'T THERE. X_X So I proceed to flip out. I continue on, messing up my already mildly organized room and become stressed. Mom sends me out to the storage place where we keep a few extra stuff we don't need in the house. I rummage though that stuff, I DO find manga cds and a few anime cds. I continue to move the boxes around, I opened one container to find some baby pics of me I haven’t seen. - BELIEVE me I have enough baby pics to kill a grown adult. ^_^ Anyway after yanking my under bed storage container out I was on my way home without finding what I was looking for. I stopped at Atomic Comics on my way home, nothing interesting. When I got home Mom was on the phone with Dad - I talked to Dad about the stuff lost and he said check in the computer box for the cd player - it was there. Mom found my vidcam charger in the top drawer of his dresser so I was happy. - Now the only thing on my list to find is my manga collection. - We are convinced it's in a plastic container in my Mom's room but we can't really mess with those until the attic is finished. And I don't HAVE TO have my manga collection to go off to college...I have a starter collection but it'll do until the others are found. Then once I settled down I got on the internet and waited for one of my auctions to end - I won it - they are posters for my dorm...I'll have to figure out the address to send them to. ^^; Before Mom left she reminded me to set up a hair apointment to get my hair dyed, I am confident we woun't have a color issue. ^_^ Anyway again I was sitting around thinking of what to do next. Mom came home from walking to a clothing store and she said she was going to the mall. I tagged along and she dropped me off at Books-a-Million. There I read Tramps Like Us and Princess Ai - both were good and Princess Ai has really good art. ^_^ While I was there I talked to Ashley, she was the sister of a boyfriend of mine back in like...3rd or 4th grade. ^~ Mitchell, my old bf is engaged and has left the nest, Ashley's fiance dumped her for her best friend and now she's single after a summer flig. ^^ She gave me her phone number and left after talking. Soon after that Mom called and I told her to come pick me up. She did so and dropped me off at the house because Grandmother wants to steal her from me to get her opinion on samples for her kitchen. *rolls her eyes* I took Scarlett on her walk, she seems to stop a yard away from the parking lot with grass - she pees on the sidewalk in front of a door and then walks on to go poop in the grass. - Weird dog. When I came back from walking her I had my dinner and a yogurt with M&Ms in it. And now I'm looking at various items online while I post. AND THAT was my day. ^~ TTFN
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