Aug 14, 2004 21:17
Ok this morning I woke up to Charley's banging on my windows at oh...7:30ish AM. I awoke because my pets are known for making noise when they are A)Up to no good OR B)Eating so my mind naturally woke me up for that reason too. - First thing that came to mind: "What are my animals doing now?!" Anyway I went downstairs, had breakfast - watched the news and had a normal boring morning. - Well alittle later in the morning I took my pills with a vitamin diet pill (a pill to give you vitamins when you are dieting - Mom offered them to me and she thought they were good for me *shrug* ). Well not too much later after that my stomach started acting up along with a headache to the right side of my head. So I laid down with my heating pad on my tummy and took a slight nap as Mom got ready to go out. We both weren't feeling all too swift but we were going to go shopping for college stuff anyway. First we went to Mt. Pleasant's Walmart and picked up school stuff. Then we went to a Bed Bath & Beyond - didn't find what we were looking for there so we went to the one in North Charleston - there we bought my comforter (the one I have is too big for a twin sized bed) - the duve' (comforter cover) is red corduroy and my two t-shirt sheets are black and blue. ^_^ We also bought a container that will fit under my bed. Now all there is to do is: pack, pick which photos and posters I'll bring and OH yeah pack my clothes. X_X - And the grand finale: put it all my Jeep...and if there isn't room - send it up with my Mummy. Anyway after we were finished with the shopping I went to Barnes and Noble - nothing there I haven’t already seen. So after hanging out and eventually feeling like I was in a daycare looking out the window for Mom to come I left the book store and went to Old Navy where Mom was supposed to be. On my way there I look around the parking lot and find Mom's car and on my way away from the car this guy, must've been mid 30s said he liked my hair. I told him thanks and continued to walk, he asked me how I kept it that way, I told him, dying it, continuing to walk. - And on my way I went. - I personally don't like keeping conversations long with strange guys in the middle of parking lots. So onward I went to Old Navy. I was IN the building and looking everywhere for my Mom and I stop for a moment to look around and THERE HE WAS AGAIN. >_< He told me his name and held out his hand and asked me for mine if we could be friends. I abruptly said no and walked off. How unnerving to have a guy FOLLOW me into a building! - I couldn't find my Mom so I went up to the cash registers and asked to borrow the phone - ends up just as I called Mom she was going into the line to buy some shirts. Happy reunion! - I wasn't up for much else, I felt ill enough - I wasn't up for some jackass following me. So then we left and came home. We cleared out the car and all the stuff is in my room. We sat down and watched, "The House Of Sand And Fog" - a very dramatic and sad movie. And now we are watching a movie with little people....I'm not finding it very interesting...And prob. soon after I write this I'll be going ta' bed. TTFN