Boys Are So Silly - Will I EVER Understand Their Ways?

Jul 30, 2004 16:19

Today was the last day of class - the other girl in my group's brother came - dear lord, at first I didn't realise it but he was hitting on me! X_X *smirks* He said I was mean and had a superiority complex because I was a year older than he was [which is kinda the difference between highschool and college for some] - I was being snide toward him and I guess he wouldn't stop trying - the whole thing was amusing none tha less. @_@ SPOT it's HOT! AND the fan is on! *goes to fiddle with it* In the beginning we wrote our fav. word in Kanji [mine was "cat" - the kanji actually looked like a cat sitting next to a flower ^_^] and then our name. Then we presented our presentations, I did mine on X/1999, the guy's sister did her's on Kenshin, Full Metal Panic and uh...Oh yeah - Inu Yasha - one of the guys talked about school and the french horn...his friend talked about Kendo [later on in the day I grew to admire him for that] and the asian guy talked about Kenshin, Gundam Wing and Shaimon King (I know I mispelled that). After the presentations we had free time before leaving for lunch so Bailey-san's brother became alittle annoying because I can't really deal with assertive flirty guys. So I left him - he eventually followed me and like a little five year old I went to hang out with my Grandmother and his sister and check out the map of Japan. ^^; Eventually we left and went to a Japanese restaurant and we sat on the floor (traditionally) and I TRIED to sit on my feet the proper way but once they turned red and I lost all feeling below my knees I had to change position! AND DAMN THAT HURT! X_X Anyway I had steak and rice - I tried Grandmother's tuna sushi and reaffirmed that I'm not a fan at all of seafood. Most of the low table discussion was about Sou-sensei's life in Japan and here. ^_^ Once it was time to go the girl's brother came to get e-mails - he got the kendo boy's first and then mine - he had made a comment that he was getting everyone's but he just got the ones from my table - I made a comment that I hadn't started with HIS table's e-mail addies even though he was sitting with them the whole time. *shakes her head* Silly Boy. And he continually asked if my e-mail addie was current, and that he'd e-mail me tonight to make sure! *rolls her eyes* Iv'e never met such a determined boy! I find it really amusing yet slightly unnerving. >_>; ~~~ *goes to check her e-mail* ~~~AND HE DID e-mail me already!!! @_@ Such a SILLY boy. ----Update: Mom just called, I'll be back in Charleston on the 9th - I'm staying with my cousin X_X Scary thought. ^^;; Anyway see ya'll later!
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