Mar 06, 2007 20:42
oh my gosh
yesterday i came on the computer and FORGOT to mention that I GOT TICKETS TO 30 SECONDS TO MARS!!!! i know unbelieveable i had a total mind blank and i got off the computer and when ah goddammit soooo i had to come on the computer again tonight to tell everyone that i am so so excited it cannot even be put into words!! i got up at fucking 4.30 in the morning and sat there until 9 but there were other people in the line who i was chating to so it was all good and of course i was right at the front of the line i was so proud of myself for that i must say! and of course when i got home and then saw they were playing from yesterday on mtv and the writing came up and said 'touring' and i was like OH FUCK YEAH I'M GONNA BE THERE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
but anyway i do have other things to talk about but i really have to try and get my english thing done