(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 00:48

So they left yesterday around 7:30.

'Round 8:30, Sean calls up, get's Melissa to drive over and get me, and pretty much, we have a repeat of last night, except this time it included a gravity bong, more of my weed than I really wanted to part with, and alcohol.
Also, I was the last one up, instead of the first asleep.

I went home in the morning, feeling pretty shitty, took a shower, and then started walking to meet Colleen (punkskittles) who came to visit me! I was till feeling shitty, however, all through going to Cool Beanz with Danielle, getting Chinese food, coming back to my house and moping around, and walking back to the bus station in the afternoon, so I'm afraid I wasn't very much fun. For that, I'm still very, very sorry.

So then I was walking back home, and as I turned the corner from Old Town Rd. to Sheep Pasture, the window of this SUV waiting at the light rolls down, and there's this girl in the drivers seat with some guy next to her, and they're like "Heyyy you want some weed, man?" And they're obviously way stoned, and I've never seen them before in my life, so I go "why not?" and they hand me this bowl, I take a hit, and then the light changes, and they drive off.
Well THAT made my day a whole lot better!

But seriously, it didn't have anything to do with getting high really, it made me happy because of the friendliness of it. Here were two kids having a good time and they saw this kid by the side of the road, hot, tired, unhappy (I'm sure my mood was pretty well reflected on my face) and he looks like a stoner, so they say "hey, let's give this kid a little bit of our good time!" They didn't want to sell me weed, and they didn't want to show off, really, they just wanted to smoke up with me, cause getting stoned is a shared activity. It's like no matter how many joints or bowls or bongs or whatever you've got, everyone always smokes one at a time and passes it around. Who wants to smoke a bowl by themselves? -- it's about friendship, it's about sharing, and it's about love.
I wish more things in life were like that...preferably some that were a little more healthy.

The evening followed in the same vein. Laura came over, and for the first time in our four years of knowing eachother, we smoked up together. It was also the first time I smoked out of my new bowl, which we named Fritz, after the old German guy it looks like it might belong to. It was really nice. We smoked one bowl in the hammock in my back yard, and then switched to recliners on the lawn, and smoked a second. Then we went to the diner, ate, and came back and played lots of music. She left at 11:30
God I'm going to miss her. I've never really tried to put into writing what it is about Laura that makes her mean that much to me. I wrote some sort of babble in her yearbook, which sort of hinted at what I meant, albeit using lots of cliche and "I guess"es, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to do it. I love her like I'm not sure I've loved anyone.

Well guys, it looks like I've written another entry about nothing more than my illicit exploits of the preceding few days. Guys, I'm really sorry. I don't think this is a permenant trend in my life, but it certainly seems like it's been a big part of my life lately. I never wanted it to be like this. I'm not really sure why I'm subjecting you to these descriptions, except that I do want to be writing more, and this is one good way to do it. Undoubtedly I havn't gained a lot of respect from some of you recently (if anyone is even reading this journal) and for that I am truly sorry and ashamed.
Also, I can offer good news, in that as the school year will be starting soon, I with be "phasing-out" of this pothead rut I've been in. This is definitly a summer thing, soon to be over.

Thank you for your patience,

-the Management
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