I finally got all the photos from the meet;So, here is my report~
3rd of May was the Hetalia Blijdorp Meeting in the Netherlands~
For the people who don't know; Blijdorp is a Zoo (an awesome one).
So, I (Prussia) went with Suuz (Hungary) and we met up with Romano and Swiss later on.
We met with all the other people at Rotterdam CS.
We are a happy bunch of Idiots (also I didn't have my wig; 'cause I lend it from Mathi/England; THANKS <3)
Most of the photos are from Taiwan (
dolliebasket) and Russia.
Credits to them <33
Russia invading Romano~ Poor thing.
And France being France.
Around 11 'o clock we started walking towards Blijdorp~
FFF- It's been a while since I've been to Blijdorp but I know it very well (I've visited it so many times in my life now XD)
Everyone formed their own groups to walk with and I put on the wig~
To bad the day was rainy and cold, but I had an awesome day!
Okay, enough text; onwards to the photos
Romano and Prussia being tourist like.
He's such a poser
So, I herd u liek mudkipz?
Look out; they bite D8
Iggy; don't look behind you, just don't.
http://haldthin-cosplay.deviantart.com/art/Planning-World-Domination-163019379Planning world domination *plays Pinky and the Brain intro*
Staring contest.
I wonder who'll win.
Omg, my face. It's weird XD
I'm such a poser.
TAIWAN <3 fff-
She was epicawesomesauce.
Zen with Tomato.
Prussia being sexy. I know I am.
Such an happy monkey.
Oresama no sexy body.
Imitating Gorilla's.
It wassn't difficult at all~
Me and my 5 meters. not 0,05mm
Russia has 2 beautiful children.
http://haldthin-cosplay.deviantart.com/art/Oh-shi-163018978Oh shi- ROMANO, HUNGARY: STOP THAT.
FFF- I still love this shot.
Also the people in the background XD
Gilbird invaded America while eating.
Actually America stole my Gilbird
Yay, small groupshot.
Not all the people from the meet are in here.
I couldn't resist posting.
S-so cute ;A;
The sad story about the elephant.
It was happily eating and walking around and after he finished eating;
He fell and laid on the ground and didn't move at all.
I suspect it was English food.
The awesome wand makes you awesome.
...so tired.
We invaded the playground~ BWUAHAHAHA.
Ceiling Russia is watching you~
So, pretty much at the end of the meet;
I made some Facebook style photos because I can~
Kinda Prussia like XD
Pimpin' with England.
And Pimpin' with Taiwan
Being cool with Romano~
Chillin' with Norway.
And a shot of myself 'cause I'm awesome. *kesesese*
We went to Mc Donalds (America was happy) and we pretty much invaded the whole place XD
Most of the people took a happy meal (except me; haha XD)
Gilbirds and a german flag invading the dragon.
http://s624.photobucket.com/albums/tt328/Iris_Haldthin/Hetalia%20Blijdorp%20Meeting%202010/?action=view¤t=HetaliaMeet3-05-10022.flvVid I made @ Mc Donalds XD Go watch it.
Well, that's all guys!
I had an awesome day and I had a lot of fun! <3 *hugs*
Prussia loggin' out~