Orig fic: Sex on the Beach

Aug 07, 2011 19:22

Title: Sex on the Beach
Characters: Joey, Chris, Charles
Word Count: 2158
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex in awkward places?
Disclaimer: These are my own characters; I own them, I play with them as I will. Please do not copy or distribute this without my permission
Beta: Thank you, as ever, siluria; you always come through for me and I love you for it.
Author’s Notes: I wrote this as an entry to a competition; needless to say I didn't win. However, that means I can now freely share it. I will also admit to changing the title since I entered it in the competition. ;-)

"Have you ever had sex on the beach?"

"It's one of my favourite drinks as it happens."

Joey laughed, but I didn't look up from my magazine. It had a good article on the latest Jaguar, and I was more interested in that than cocktails.

"I wasn't talking about drinking."

Now I did look up, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I've always fancied it," he grinned, the delicious tiny creases around his eyes drawing my attention, as ever.

I glanced around the sand, more aware than before of all the families variously involved in states of play and repose. "You didn't mean here and now, I hope?"

"Worried we'd upset someone?"

"Joey, we've probably already upset some of them just by being here. Why push our luck? Besides," I frowned, "sand is awfully uncomfortable in certain places." I raised my magazine again and tried to find the paragraph I'd been reading.

He snorted and I heard him turning over. Just as well; sometimes he needed reminding not to overdo it.

"Does that mean you've done it before?" he said after a moment, his voice sounding a little muffled.

"Well…" I debated for a moment whether he really needed to know, considering who I'd been with at the time. Trying to sound casual, I kept it vague. "It was a long time ago and the beach was a lot less crowded."


I hadn't expected that. 'Who', maybe.

"That bay I took you to last year; the one with all the blue cottages along the seashore."

He sat up abruptly and looked at me with renewed interest. "Seriously? In plain view of the cottages?"

"Well, no, not… it was late and we were under the pier."

"Now you're going to have to give me more details." He looked positively expectant.

"Perhaps not here," I said, glancing at the young mother slapping sunscreen on her two year old not three feet away. She didn't look our way, but I was sure she'd got more vigorous in her application.

"Then I suggest we retire to our room where you can explain precisely what happened."

Joey jumped to his feet and started collecting up his belongings. There would be no getting out of it now. Reluctantly, I rolled my magazine up and stuffed it into my beach bag before following suit. He grinned in a way that sent shivers right down my spine and made me glad we were leaving, and then offered the young mum a wave as she looked up from her child.

"Toodle-oo," Joey said cheerily and beamed even more widely as she scowled at both of us.

"Bye bye," the toddler offered, waving eagerly at Joey.

"Bye," I said apologetically, and tracked after him.

Five minutes later we were back at our B & B, and Joey was shutting the door behind me.

"Now," he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and gesturing to the armchair in one corner, "I'm all ears. Don't skip anything."

Oh God. With Joey, 'don't skip anything' meant exactly that. This was going to be more difficult than I'd envisioned.

"Okay." I licked my lips as I dumped my bag next to the chair and lowered myself tentatively into it. I took a while to get comfortable, and smiled carefully at Joey.

He quirked a lip lopsidedly and shook his head. "Stop delaying. Spill!"

The memory of a late night in mid-summer under a moonlit sky assailed me as I began the tale.


Charles was my first boyfriend; tall and dark, with eyes that could go from sparkling charm to fiery anger faster than a Ferrari could hit sixty from a warm start. I hadn't known what moody was until I met him; but the sex more than made up for it.

Our first summer holiday together was pretty wild; both the weather and Charles' moods swung from brilliant sunshine to hurricane-strength storms. I'd wondered since if I had been punishing myself by sticking it out with him, but that particular night…

We'd had a late swim and eaten at a café by the beach afterward, before wandering slowly down the shoreline towards the place we were staying. I was still nervous about being seen in any kind of intimate situation with a man in public, but the meal had gone well and Charles had been at his most charming; making me forget to wonder if everyone was waiting for us to give something away.

The walk down the beach in the early twilight was refreshing after the heat of the café and I even let him take hold of my hand; something I wouldn't have done had the sun been higher in the sky and more people in evidence.

"Come live with me," he said suddenly, startling me into letting go of his hand and stopping where I was, gentle waves swirling about my ankles and sucking at my soles as the water fled.

I felt like following it for a moment. We'd barely known each other two months, and this holiday had taken him a whole week to talk me into. I wanted to be with him, but…

"You know I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Are you kidding? My parents would kill me! They think this holiday is a Uni thing; that there's a whole group of us. I can't imagine how I'd explain living with you."

"Don't be silly, Chris. It's not the fifties; students go flatting all the time. You want your freedom; what's strange about that?"

I started walking again, a little ahead of him. He waited until I looked over my shoulder at him before starting to catch up. "You have only one bedroom, Charles. It wouldn't take much for them to work it out."

"They don't have to know our sleeping arrangements. Or better yet, why don't you just tell them?"

My heart was thudding; I looked out to sea like it could help me explain. "I can't. I've told you about them; if you think they'll allow it, you've really got no idea."

"You're nineteen, Chris; surely they can't actually stop you?"

"You want to bet?"

He sighed, saying nothing else, but thrusting his hands in his pockets - a sure sign the weather was about to change.

"Please, Charles, can we just let it be? Today's been amazing, and look at the sky!" I pointed to where the moon was rising over the ocean, a shimmering white path leading from where it sat almost to our feet. "We can talk about it later; let's just enjoy what we have for now?"

He studied the view for a few seconds, and turned to smile at me. "You're right. I've been too pushy, haven't I? We barely know each other and there's plenty of time. Tonight is as beautiful as you."

It was as corny as anything I'd ever heard, but I didn't care.

Charles glanced over his shoulder, then behind me, and stepped closer. I sucked a breath in anticipation but didn't back up. I longed to check around us too, but held off, trusting him. He leaned in, kissing my lips softly and straightened up again, lifting a hand to my cheek.

"I love you. I can wait."

He stroked my cheek as I tried to absorb what he'd just said. It didn't seem possible. I lifted my hand to his, taking it in mine and lowering it carefully. I couldn't reply; not like that; not yet. I didn't want to turn the tide again though, so before he could take my silence the wrong way, I turned his hand over and offered a kiss to the palm.

He hissed, but not in pain, and shifted more quickly than I'd expected, drawing me close and kissing me properly. I drew back, flicking my eyes around us. Thank God no one was in close sight.

"Oh God…" He sounded wounded, and I felt guilty. "I've got to… Christ, you're too much. You have no idea whatsoever, do you?"

I shook my head and hoped like hell I hadn't completely blown it now.

"Come on," he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the shallows towards the pier.

I couldn't tell if he was angry or excited, and his grip was tight enough to bruise if I resisted, so I didn't. I let him lead me to the dry sand under the wharf and push me up against the rock wall. The next kiss was bruising, but I responded willingly. I decided he wasn't feeling threatened; he just couldn't wait.

His hands found the edge of my untucked shirt and delved inside. Heat radiated from them and swirled towards my groin, making my knees buckle in need. He stroked his fingers across my belly and I arched my back as he sank to his knees in front of me. It didn't take much before he had my pants halfway down my legs and his mouth on my sex.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," I kept repeating as he moved on me, his tongue doing wicked things to my self-control. Normally I'm far more restrained; my father would hardly approve of this kind of supplication to God.

I came suddenly; I almost hadn't realized how near I was, but Charles wasn't the least put out; he was the perfect gentleman until I finally stopped shaking.

"I want to fuck you." His voice was low and insistent as he stayed on his knees in front of me.

I hadn't touched my pants; they lay scrunched up at my ankles where they'd landed. I swallowed hard and nodded.

"On your knees, please." He was immaculately polite, despite the dirty performance we enacted.

I dropped down on all fours and gazed at him curiously over my shoulder. It wasn't that we hadn't done it this way, but normally he preferred it face to face. The public place was doing things to both of us; or perhaps it was the cover of darkness settling in.

I caught the glint of his teeth as I turned to face forward again, and waited while he unzipped his trousers. I heard him licking his fingers and for a moment I almost stopped him, realizing what he was about to do. I blinked as his fingers entered me, taking a deep breath and relaxing as best I could. He was my first; he had nothing to fear from me, but I couldn't help worrying about him as he removed the fingers and replaced them with his prick.

"Oh yes, Chris, oh…" It was pornographically typical, but the tone was nothing like I'd heard on film.

I rocked under him, wincing a little until it became more comfortable. He moaned as he gripped my hips, circling slowly until he sensed my state of arousal. Then he thrust forward sharply, making me groan. A little more lubrication wouldn't have gone amiss, but it wasn't all bad. He thrust again and I felt my cheeks smack into his belly, my excitement rising at the sound. He grunted and began moving in earnest, each slap of my bum against his stomach producing another grunt from him. For me, a twist of desire pummeled as deep as his cock each time, and I seriously thought I was going to come without being touched further; a definite first for me.

"Oh, Chris, I can't…" he ground out, reaching around me and stroking me through his orgasm. I followed seconds later and shuddered back into him several times to maintain the explosion. "Fuck…"

Charles drew out, heated hands still firm against my hips as he sank onto the sand behind him. I had no choice but to follow him, landing heavily on his lap and slipping sideways until I put my hands down to find the ground.

"Charles!" I let out louder than I'd intended and then bit my lip hard, sudden awareness hitting of where we were. People could be walking overhead for all I knew; I only hoped no one had heard our filthy moans. "Oh, God, the sand…"

Charles laughed, but he was no better off; we'd both landed on our naked bums. He leaned towards me, still smiling, and kissed away the complaint on my lips.


Joey remained silent through the telling, though he snorted softly at the end. "Why didn't you tell me it was Charles?" he asked softly after a moment, his eyes apologetic.

"It doesn't matter."

"I should have realised though."

I stood up and patted Joey's shoulder as I walked past him towards the bathroom. "It was a long time ago."

Joey followed me into the shower and began soaping my back. I hadn't realized how uptight I was until his gentle massage began to ease the tension.

"No sex on the beach," he whispered into my ear, "Besides, shower sex is way more fun."

I decided I had to agree as I turned to kiss him.



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