The Flash drabble: Telling

Jun 06, 2015 19:30

Title: Telling
Pairing/Characters: Barry/Cisco
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: None for the show; slight silliness
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em; make no profit
Beta: unbeta'd due to shortness
Summary: Barry and Cisco discuss dressing up as superheroes when they were younger
Author’s Notes: Written as a reward for yuidirnt 's contribution to a recent weekend challenge at 1_million_words; the prompt was: Cisco/Barry, something fluffy about relaxing after a day/night of hard work. This has already been posted at the comm.

NB: this fic can also be read here at AO3

"The only superhero I ever dressed up as when I was a kid was The Phantom."

"For Halloween?"

"Yep." Barry's not sure how the topic came up, and he supposes The Phantom is kind of obscure, but he was Barry's favourite as a kid. "Maybe it was the purple outfit."

Cisco sniggers into Barry's bare shoulder.


"Considering how we ended up here like this, that was sort of telling, don't you think?"

Barry flicks the end of Cisco's nose lightly. "You don't think dressing up as Wonderwoman was more telling?"

Cisco kisses the shoulder he's just laughed into. "Touché."


drabbles, fps, the flash: barry/cisco, the flash fic

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