Feb 01, 2007 23:41
But it's 11.30pm, and although I'm not working tomorrow, I'm a bit tired and I've promised the girlies I will take them to the movies tomorrow morning while their brother is at Kindy (although the strop that caused in LF when I inadvertently let that cat out of the bag was not good - had to lie and say we'll go another day! *ulp* But we may actually ALL go some other time over the long weekend, so not a complete lie). "Charlotte's Web" tomorrow and maybe a cartoon over the weekend at this rate!
Summer, eh? LF was back at Kindy this week from Tues, but the girls don't go back to school til the Wed 7th. I'm not working now til then myself - Tues is NZ's national holiday, Waitangi Day (the Kiwi equivalent of Independence day for want of a better description, though it has caused more controversy than not over the years... and we don't make quite such a big event of it, it's just a day off work - oh, except when it falls on a weekend, then we get ZIP). Anyway, I needed to be home for the girls tomorrow morning because of no school and the hubby being at work, so I decided I may as well have Monday off too and be done with it. YAY! Five day weekend! Woo! Like I've worked so hard over January... no full weeks since the last week before Christmas!
So will hopefully do the beach thing here in the next 5 days. For now, you can have the icon I made out of my sand pic. Have a good end to your own weekends, and may your winter not be too cold (Summer finally got decent over here, btw).
nz: general,
movies: general,
travel: outings,
travel: holidays,
my life: celebrations