Sleeping icons

Feb 09, 2014 18:29

I was supposed to be writing this weekend, but couldn't wrap my head around it. Instead I've spent a couple of hours making icons. I said in a previous post that I really needed a 'sleepy' icon, so I searched out some pics of people and animals sleeping and then cropped and played around with different parts of the images I found.

Cats and Dogs


Other animals


Steve McQueen

Jensen Ackles

James Franco
I got a little carried away with James

60 icons in total, and about three hours work. I do feel quite accomplished. :D I'd better go make dinner now, I suppose.

actors: jensen ackles, my life: me, my life: animals, graphics: icons, actors: general, actors: james franco, actors: steve mcqueen, fandom: cartoons/humour

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