Five Acts

Apr 18, 2010 18:12

I foolishly signed up to do toestastegood's Five Acts comment fic fun. She's going to do a master list once everyone's getting underway, so I'll link you there in case you're interested in more than my post ( Read more... )

links, kinks, 5 acts meme

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Lost, Jack/Sawyer, Sayid POV, fighting, voyeurism, touching, NC-17 gottalovev April 26 2010, 17:46:14 UTC
Since Shannon's death, Sayid cannot seem to find interest in much of what is going on in the camp. He does not care about the trivial day to day survival, nor why Charlie suddenly acts so irrationally. When Sawyer cons Locke and Jack to get the guns, though, Sayid sits up and take notice. It could get complicated, and very fast. But he watches, from afar, and does not intervene. He will make sure that the fools do not end up killing each other, but he will not act as a mediator ( ... )


Re: Lost, Jack/Sawyer, Sayid POV, fighting, voyeurism, touching, NC-17 haldoor April 26 2010, 18:53:29 UTC
Oh, God, Lou! You totally hit on this set of kinks! Beautiful and HOT like hell! Thank you so much! ;-)


Re: Lost, Jack/Sawyer, Sayid POV, fighting, voyeurism, touching, NC-17 gottalovev April 26 2010, 19:33:59 UTC
my pleasure darling, I am glad you enjoyed!


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