HELLLLOOOO FRIENDS, LOVED ONES, VISITORS. I am back from the land of Canadia after what seems like YEARS but was actually six SEVEN days. After a delayed flight the first day, slight problems getting a bus, SUCH A GREAT TIME IN QUÉBEC CITY AND MONTRÉAL, and two days FROM. HELL. No joke. Twenty (not consecutive) hours in flipping airports! I hate air travel.
Okay, well, my regular eljay friends, this post is mostly for the people that were on the trip (hi, guys!) because I gave them a link, and you'll probably find this boring, but if you're curious, whatevs! ^^ Huge picture and video post. I mean HUGE.
I shall start at the beginning. Here we are at our best at 5h18 in the morning Friday, June 22. We're at Milwaukee.
Staci, Sarah and I on the airplane. Sarah has a disaster of epic proportions on her hands, er, her feet. Also, "You're not going to barf, and it's right here."
And now Detroit! For four FUNFILLEDHOURS.
Following three were just out of the airplane.
In Which Sarah Hates Detroit, We KNOW.
In Which Sarah Yawns and We're Being Followed By a Creepy Guy?
In Which Doug Commandeers My Camera.
Now we've moved to the terminal! Buckets of fun eh.
In Which Everyone Hates Detroit and Sarah TOTALLY JINXES Our Way Home. Thanks for That, You Loser.
In Which Here Are Some Pictures Because Layovers Are Boring.
In Which We're About To Leave and Sarah TOUCHES MY SUNBURN.
And nowwwwwww...
In Which Nous Sommes En Canada! (we are in Canada!)
Translation for you losers that don't speak French:
Whitney: We are in Canada!
Sarah: Yaaaay! Oh, Canada...just kidding.
Whitney: How do you feel?
Sarah: Huh?
Whitney: How do you feel? I feel like I'm dying, how do you feel?
Sarah: Ohhhhh. I feel good...because...I'm happy...because...I HAVE TEH LOVE FOR YOU.
They're missing a pretty crucial preposition here. DO YOU HAVE YOUR RIGHT?
In Which We're in the Customs Line...
In Which We're Still in Line and Sarah Sees Puke.
In Which We're On the Bus (driving from Montréal to Québec City) so the Film Is Nauseating and Sarah Sings the Doom Song.
In Which We're in the Hotel Lobby and Sarah Was All Up On Me.
Fun in the hotel lobby:
Exit sign in the hotel.
All of their stoplights are cool like this. ^^
In Which I Get Tired of Trying to Take Pictures so I Just Film Everything.
In Which Here's a Bit of the Street and Also Château Frontenac. Château Frontenac is a neato hotel.
Picture of Château Frontenac:
We ate here:
In Which Here's the Funiculaire, a Really Neat Elevator.
In Which We Meet a Moose. It was hidden at the back of a shop. XD
In Which This Is a Tromplé, which I have no clue how to spell, and which is All a Painting on a Wall. When I turned the corner, I actually thought that the middle part was a painting and that there were actual apartments on either side. -is dumb.-
Another tromplé
Arrêt sign!
In Which That Church Was In Catch Me If You Can and Louis the Fourteenth Looks Like a Misshappen Blob. When I point down the stairs or whatever, the white blocky statue thing? That was originally going to be centered, but then Louis couldn't see the river, so it was moved over. LOLZ.
In Which We're Closer to the Funiculaire and It's Moving. BTW, it costs a dollar seventy five to ride.
In Which I Still Can't Take Pictures So I'm Taping, and Also I'm Dying. This is the Parliament building.
In Which We're At the Museum and There's a Dragon and This Video Really Blows.
Sarah & Brittany at dinner the first night.
In Which Sarah Films Some People Playing As We Were Waiting for the Bus.
In Which Sarah Has Zoomed In on the People Playing As We Were Waiting for the Bus.
In Which I Don't Like Being Interrupted from my Postcard-Writing. Kacey, I believe I'm writing to YOUUU.
In Which We're at the Falls!
In Which We're Still at the Falls, only Closer.
In Which We're STILL at the Falls, only Right on Top.
Saw a funny edited sign...
Walked down a lot of stairs.
In Which My Back Itches and Our Bus Driver Was Real Cool. His name was Égit, and he totally played ball with everyone and was allaround awesome.
In Which Sarah Is a Loser. The numbers we're shouting are our chaperones' way of making sure we're all here. We each had a number and we counted in order. We got sick of it real fast, so we'd just randomly shout out our numbers. Yep.
In Which Sarah Steals My Camera at the Copper Museum. Where they make copper things. A-duh. We all made the little copper things that Staci's holding. Hers is supacool! Sarah was right, her fleur-de-lys KICKED MINE'S BUTT because MINE SUCKED.
In Which The Boys Writhe In Pain Every Time They Catch the Ball, but They Continue To Do It. This is at the Sugar Shack, which is not a strip club or an ice cream place, it is a maple syrup place. Yum, maple syrup byproducts. I have teh love for you. Also, I had a bet going-4 dollars if they broke a finger, 5 dollars if they broke an inanimate object, and 10 if they broke a limb or something. No one would take me up on it because it was oh so likely.
In Which Here's Some of Montréal.
In Which This Is a Statue of Maisonneuve, the Founder of Montréal. The first part of the statue I tape is the unofficial co-founder (unofficial because she was a woman), who pretty much organized everything. Then there's an Iroquois, because they, along with the British, attacked the first settlements. Then there's something I don't know. Then another I don't know, except that one has a doggie, whose name was Pilot, and he helped a bunch because he could smell the Iroquois that the people couldn't see. And then Maisonneuve himself.
In Which There Are Freaking Cool Apartments and Then Some More Montréal.
In Which We Are Up the Mountain and The Girls Next to Me Are Annoying.
BIODOME, IN MONTRÉAL. I pretty much just taped the entire thing. Because it was neat.
In Which You Can Almost See Some Small Monkey Thing and You Cannot See a Parrot. Alas.
In Which There Are Fucking Big Fish.
In Which There Are More Fish but It's Dark. =(
In Which Sarah Is Eaten By An Alligator OH NOES.
In Which You Can Actually See a Monkey Because It's Leaping, and There Is a Big Bird.
Forêt Florentine, which is just a regular forest. Aw, otter. And porcupine!
LYNXES OMG. Or is it just lynx? Lynxii? ^^ THEY WERE OH SO CYUTE.
Puuufffffins! Also, I fall down some stairs.
In Which We Are Going up a Funiculaire. Not the one from before, this one is on Montréal's Olympic Stadium.
Pritty church. It's called Saint-Anne-de-Beaupre.
It had a cool ceiling...
Which included PENGUINS.
In Which We Are at the Hard Rock Café, and Brittany's Our Mom.
Sarah fell down some stairs and broke herself.
In Which Ruth Has Proof That Mme. Chud Will Give Her an A Next Year for Carrying Her Bag. Yay! Also, Snake on a Bus. The snake's name is Suprise, pronounced the french way of soo-preeze. I still have it. w00t.
Once upon a time there was a plane. It was in Detroit. It was supposed to be in Montréal to take us back to Detroit. It was supposed to do this at 3 something. And then in got delayed until 430. And THEN until 6 something. And then, finally, until 730. 730 rolls around. We get on the plane. We wait. For about 10-20 minutes. And then the pilot announces the flight attendents have reached their limit or whatever, which is BIG FAT LIE because the pilots of Northwest blow dogs for quarters are having some sort of tiff. So the flight is canceled. Boo. So the 19 of us in the group wait about, go BACK through customs, get our bags, etc, and wait. Wait wait wait. Everything's closing; the group booking thing's closed, and by the time we leave the airport it's like 10-1030. Boo. We stay overnight at a hotel, getting about FOUR HOURS of sleep fun amirite? Because we need to be back at the airport at 6. So we're there, our chaperones got up through the northwest checkin line to try to get us booked somewhere. The 16 kids wait in a group sitting at the end of the line. For TWO HOURS. We don't have a clue what's going on, the chaperones are just up there...mess. They finally get us booked on a flight through Air Canada, so we go over to the Air Canada line. The flight is at one. It is currently 830-900. We can't check in until ten. So we go chill in the food court. W00t. Luckily, the real check-in, the waiting at the terminal, etc, while long, is not delayed or anything. Here are video and pictures from that fiasco. ^^;
Waiting for the Detroit flight. Game of Mao. Gets cut off because Photobucket can only have 5 minutes.
Still waiting for Detroit. The Circle of No Hope.
Alas, the Fated Terminal. -is not overdramatic.-
This is what happens when we are bored.
"Hey Whitney, what if I smiled like this ALL THE TIME?"
I took many, many random abstract pictures. It kept me busy.
Here, Sarah, happy?
Ze soon-to-be-cancelled plane has arrived?
But Amanda doesn't know it's going to be cancelled. =(
This is us in the pile at the Northwest line. This is in two parts because it was too long for Photobucket.
Waiting in the food court.
Aaaand I was abstracting again.
My favourite:
Air Canada Terminal.
Waiting. And waiting. And, just for a change, waiting.
Sarah taught me Texas Hold 'Em, but we didn't have anything in mass quantities to gamble with, so, um...we gambled with this:
-It's five o'clock somewhere!
-What happens in Canada, stays in Canada.
-OMG. they killed kenny.
--serious face- We don't _______(fill in the blank.)
-Whitney: -tickles Staci, Staci laughs- Haha, you're ticklish!
Staci: -is eating- I'm not ticklish...-holds up fork- Green beans make me giggle!
-We had a LAYAWAY in Detroit. Yes Brittany. XD
-Li-ters, li-ters, everybody everywhere...
Probably a gajillion more.
Weeeeeellll. If you sat through all of that, I congratulate you. I couldn't upload the Walgreens photo disk thing. =( Alas. Maybe I'll get it eventually. So, all-around amazing time. The last two days sucked, but I should be used to extended trips by this time. Oh, SanAn. ^^