Jun 25, 2015 17:36
Amber loved Sunyoung. Really, she did. She was always cheerful, she was a fabulous singer, and her apartment was often the setting for their group’s late-night movie marathons.
The only think she didn’t like about Sunyoung wasn’t even about her. Oh no, Sunyoung was flawless…
Except for the fact that she owned a stubborn, standoffish cat, which Amber had come to dub as “It.”
She usually got along really well with pets - Jack Jack and Gongju, her two dogs, were back home with her parents - so it didn’t even make sense why It disliked her so much. It was a needy, attention-whoring little animal too, which was why Sunyoung had passed It off to Amber in the first place. Tonight was her third date with Lee Jinki, the fourth-year Music major, and per the third date rule, they’d be spending the night at her apartment. It would be too needy for the couple to have their alone time.
Amber had given in to Sunyoung’s begging, because she was always going to help a friend out, especially when said friend was trying to get laid. Even if she would be dealing with It for an entire night.
Unfortunately, her dorm’s strict no-pet policy created a few complications.
So far, Amber’s ideas consistedly mostly of putting It in a backpack and carrying the animal past the front desk ladies in order to sneak the cat in. She liked to this this plan would have worked splendidly, if not for the fact that the cat absolutely hated her and refused to cooperate.
“Good kitty, just stay in the backpack while I zip you up - no, stay - okay, ow. Scratching is totally uncalled for!“
So here she was, sitting in front of her dorm in the chilly autumn weather, cursing this damn cat not-so-mentally. Thank god no one had passed by to witness this insanity -
“Need some help there?”
… dammit.
Amber looked up from the struggling feline in her hands, her eyes meeting one of the guys that she’d seen around campus a few times. Pale, puffy cheeks, actually kind of cute….
Focus, Amber!
“Hi. Yes. Um.” At this point, It began yowling fiercely as the cat wanted nothing to do with her apparently. “Canyouhelpmesneakthiscatintomydorm?”
Attractive Stranger stared at her for a few solid seconds (Great, Amber thought, now I’ve broken a cute boy. What a day) before chuckling and crouching down to her level where she was sitting, holding out his arms. At that, It finally managed to escape from Amber’s grasp as the cat bounded over to Attractive Stranger and jumped into his arms.
Huh. Apparently, Attractive Stranger was also Attractive Cat Whisperer.
Not gonna lie, Amber was pretty offended that the cat seemed to like everyone excluding her, even random strangers.
“Next time you try to steal a cat, you should probably pick one that likes you, “ Attractive Cat Whisperer snickered. “Why are you trying to steal a cat anyways?”
“I’m not stealing It!” she loudly exclaimed, crossing her arms and scoffing.
“You don’t even know Jia’s name!”
“I prefer to refer to her as It because the cat hates me!”
“So if I called Sunyoung right now, she’d be totally okay with you stealing her cat.”
Wait, what? Attractive Stranger was actually not a stranger?
“I’m not stealing the damn cat, I’m taking It in so Sunyoung can get laid,” she stated matter-of-factly. “And if you call her, I’m blaming you for ruining her private time or whatever it’s called, and me taking It would be entirely pointle-“
“Who knew Jinki-hyung had game…” he interrupted, muttering under his breath. Shaking his head, Attractive Stranger looked up at her and stuck out his hand. “I didn’t know you were Sunyoung’s friend. Sorry if we got off to a bad start, I’m Henry.”
Amber eyed his hand for a few seconds suspiciously before giving it a good shake. “Amber. Are you a student in the Music Department with unnie and Jinki?”
Attractive Str - Henry - gave a brilliant smile and chuckled. “Something like that. Anyway, sneaking Jia into your dorm could get you in major trouble with the RA. Are you sure you wanna go through with it?”
“I would have already finished the job of the damn cat had a soul,” she complained. “Why does It like you so much?”
“I think she can sense fear,” he teased. “Hey, my apartment’s a few blocks away and you might have a better time if I take care of Jia. The offer’s open if you need it.”
“Henry seems really cool,” Amber not-so-subtly tells Luna the next morning after returning Jia. “How come I never see him hanging out with the rest of the Music majors?”
“Henry-sunbae? Oh, he’s not a student, he’s the violin professor and assistant conductor. He’s like a musical genius or something. I feel way too old around him.”