i am alexander nemkovich.

Jun 25, 2006 02:17

i have his soul.


sealed everywhere and always

My Alexander _________
Nemkovich's Soul________
Belongs to me Alexander Nemkovich
Everywhere and Always!!!! (on this other side of this document)(over the other side)


this is what i found today. this is what i stole today. this is what i took today along with the treasury of clean jokes from the apartment filled with garbage and playboy magazines. for one thing, why did we go in?? why did i go in? i went in because everyone else was going in. apparently the swat team came and broke down his door. it was intriguing at the time. little did we know what we were in for. a crazy apartment filled with things. his things. that we took and destroyed. yes. smashed plates. took paintings off the walls. took away things that were important to him. maybe to only him. only him in the entire world. but hes still a person. and how would you feel if someone took your possesions? the things that mattered to you the most. and destroyed them. im at a loss for words. the thing that bugs me most is that he was mentally unstable---we found antipsychotics in his room---and in a way i hurt and mocked the very person i set out to help in a few years. it really didnt help that we were drunk. oh well, its all over and done with now. i need to find something to do with his soul.

poor alexander, i wonder where he is now....

sincerely yours,
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