May 08, 2005 23:38
Been a while since I've been in here, all the cool stuff the past
months have been covered soooooo I look toward the future, not much
time so i'll make this quick. The school year is comming to an end,
most see this as enjoyment. I dread it, really. All my best homies is
leavin yo, and it pains me to see them go [rhyme BUZzzing!] Ah well
I'll treasure these last few weeks I have with them and say "We need
one last thing to do.... one big ASS event for all of us... Road trip
maybe? maybe to THE NORTH POLE?!!?!?!?" Ahh i'll ponder on it. I'm just
feeling really... Relaxed like a breath of fresh air. Will write more
Halcyon loves you guys