Dec 29, 2004 02:01
There I was!! In the van surrounded on all sides by Indians, Nazis, and Terrorist. I hit the button and there was a mighty explosion all around! We floored it and raced through Death Canyon as it caved in around us, with the president, and the antidote in tow. And that was my christmas.
Now if you're sitting there going "Wow Mike is awsome!" Then you my friend, are an asshole. I didn't spend my Christmas saving the world. I spent it in Maryland!! I shall tell my real adventure starting with the 12 hour car trip on Christmas Eve.
North Ga-
Boon-ville central, Trees, and cows, and lakes, Then its like a repeating pattern all the way up to the Ga, S. Carolina line.
S. Carolina-
We didn't stop here, but it seemed very deserted. And cold. There are alot of police cars as well.
N. Carolina-
You think one of the Carolinas would be more creative and not copy off the other one, yah know? We did stop here, my mom needed some stuff from the wal*mart. And this is where the weird shit starts. All the "semi" attractive girls were lookin at me, and there were no HOTT girls anywhere, well I take that back their were some. All the hot white girls were with the black guys. All the good looking white guys were with the ugly white girls, and... The rest is just... There. You can keep N. Carolina
Strange ass state, somewhere along the line some guy just said "Hey lets put a strip club at every exit" And so it was done Virginia... The pervert state. But i'm not one to argue, seeing tits that big can only be a good thing right?
End of pt. 1 pt 2 will begin... Soon
Halcyon to be continued...