Let me let you in on a little secret that I just found out: Korean "j" and pinyin "j" = SAME SOUND. The same is true for p, b, k, g, t and d. Also, Korean "ch" = pinyin "q," and Korean "sh" = pinyin "x." *is easily amused by sounds*
D: I am still distressed by how Yunho is actually "you know". WHY. WHY. WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT. And, yeah, idk how to romanize my pronounciation of "joong", but I think it was like "jeong"/closer equiv. would be the Chinese version "zhong". If I hadn't made that clear. D: D: D:
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally now. 8D This totally make it easier for me in every way, fufufufufufu~
DongBang names are easy, imho. Certainly not crazy like "Ryeowook". Oh, Mr and Mrs Wookie. What the hell were you thinking.
dslkj I thought they were easy, BUT APPARENTLY NOT.
Let me let you in on a little secret that I just found out: Korean "j" and pinyin "j" = SAME SOUND. The same is true for p, b, k, g, t and d. Also, Korean "ch" = pinyin "q," and Korean "sh" = pinyin "x." *is easily amused by sounds*
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally now. 8D This totally make it easier for me in every way, fufufufufufu~
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