Title: Are you sure?
Characters: Kyouraku Shunsui, Ukitake Juushiro
Prompt: Self-conscious [063]
Word Count: 558
Rating: G
Summary: There have been a few promotions, who gets what seat?
Author's Notes: Written for my
100 Situations table featuring Shunsui and Juushiro of Bleach. Note: This is set in the past and both Shunsui and Juushiro are both in the 9th division. Shunsui is 7th seat and Juushiro is 9th seat. Shunsui has achieved shikai, while Juushiro hasn't.
"And for mission D5675, I would like for 7th seat Kyouraku Shunsui and 9th seat Ukitake Juushiro to please step forward," said the current 9th Division Vice Captain Hanato Utada. She was a handsome young woman, her opaque demeanor gave the impression that she was not to be approached in a threatening manner or there might be severe consequences.
"I guess we're paired up again, huh Juu?" Kyouraku was the worst at whipsering, but somehow he always made sad attempts. Ukitake just ignored him, as usual, as the two stepped forward to claim the mission statement and be on their way.
The Vice Captains office was rather bare as Hanato had just finished moving in the last few crates. A couch, desk, and wardrobe were the only furnishings in the room. There were no curtains, no framed paintings. The only thing that could be considered decoration is a lone photograph of the Vice Captain and Captain on Hanato's first day in the division.
"It looks that way, doesn't it, Kyouraku?" Ukitake spoke ever so bland. Something Kyouraku had done the night before was still eating him. He was never one to laugh at a practical joke, so why Kyouraku continued to try and "loosen him up" baffled him.
"You're not still mad about last night, are you? It was a joke! Loosen--"
"Loosen up! I know."
"Before you go, I have some imperative information to relay to each of you. It's in regards to the vacant position that I was recently promoted from, the 4th seat. The Captain and I have examined the capabilities of you 6 officers that stand before me and we've come to the conclusion that 9th seat, Ukitake Juushiro, to accomodate the position. And spare me the skeptics, we realize that young Ukitake here has yet to discover his Zanpakuto's name, but his popularity among the unseated officers and his extensive knowledge cannot be overlooked. We have considered each and every one of you, but our decision is final. You're all dismissed." She spoke hard, so that you knew there was no changing her mind.
The two of them stood there, frozen in their stance. Did the vice captain just say what they thought she said? There was no way that he was chosen over Kyouraku. And if it were true, what would that mean for their relationship? Kyouraku was always one or two steps ahead of Ukitake in just about everything. And now this. Maybe it wouldn't be as much of a big deal as they thought. I mean it was only 3 seats difference and it surely didn't mean anything in terms of strength.
You've just got to calm down. Be happy for him.
"Is there a problem? You two may leave now, you have a mission to attend to."
"Yes, we'll get to that right away, Vice Captain Hanato," stuttered Ukitake as the pair withdrew from the office.
"4th seat, huh? Congratulations, Juu!" Kyouraku placed his arm around his friend. It was slightly obvious something was wrong, but he was rather skilled at playing things like this off.
"So you're not upset, Kyouraku?" He was sure that he would have been at least confused. I mean he was stronger and his shikai training was coming along rather well. Surely there was a mistake of some kind.
"Upset? No, I'm proud of you." He spoke, leaning forward to plant a kiss on his friend's forehead.
There was something slightly off about his words.