Sep 13, 2007 15:27
Six years and six millions hardships later I am finally done with my Bachelor's Degree. While nothing really feels different (probably because I still have Supe Meeting to go to in and hour and a half), I know things are not the same. Thankfully critique was not as painful as I initially anticipated, but it did take forever. And I was the second person to present so I really was ready to get out of there. I was really happy with how my final photographs turned out. Everyone really liked the picture I took of buses lined up at start-up with their lights all on. Someone suggested that I re-shoot the picture with all of the buses showing "Not In Service" (one bus in the foreground had that on the destination sign), but I think I want to re-shoot the picture with all of the signs saying "Good Morning" as some Supes do.
Anyways, Catherine is in California (yay!) so I need to go call her before it gets too late.