Dreams, dreams and more dreams

Sep 01, 2005 14:33

A friend of mine recently mentioned some of the dreams they had been having in their LJ. Which sparked some thoughts in me (rare I know). No real point to the post, just some random ramblings while things are slow at work.

Since part of the reason we have dreams is to help us deal with our internal turmoil, it is possible that you can deal with the underlying issues that come up in your dreams without ever dealing with the images that your mind uses to portray those issues. Sometimes it easier to breakdown what those images mean to you, or why they make you feel the way they do, but even after this analysis, you still get back to the same thing: trying to figure out why you feel that way now, or what brings up those feelings in your life today.

Of course in order to do that you have to be able to identify what issues sparks memories of the friends/situations that appear in your dreams. A lot of times, your mind will pull some frighteningly strong images from your past or present to help iconify what you are feeling. Obviously my friend had some strong emotional ties and memories associated with some of the images. When those emotions come to the forefront, your mind will pull up the first or strongest association that you can readily identify with. If you have a good understanding of the feelings that these people or situations bring up, you can use that knowledge to help identify the issues that have been brewing in the back of your mind.

Obviously writing is a great way to externalize these issues and help you look at them objectively. This is why a lot of people keep a dream diary to help with this. Not only can you get a different perspective on your dream as you are writing them down, but you will also find that one key element will help you remember another one, which will lead to another. Sometimes the smaller pieces of the dream that come from writing (or even telling someone) are just as important as the over powering images that we are left with us when we first wake up.

Anyways there is no real point to this, just me waxing philosophical (psychological?). I always felt that interpreting people's dreams was a lot like reading a deck of tarot cards. You take what you know about the person (or what they tell you) and use that knowledge to color in and flesh out the general ground work in front of you. Given enough information you can come up with almost any plausible relation between almost any image and an individual. The more you know, the more you can elaborate and flesh out the connection.

It is actually kind of funny that this topic came up. I have recently decided to take the plunge and procure myself some web space, and perhaps start up a personal blog (aka LJ) as well as a place to store all of those lovely pictures that would be nice to share. I purchased the domain highwayman.us a few years ago, but I wanted a .com address. They are cheap enough nowadays that I don't mind forking out $8 a year for a domain name. So since highwayman.com is already taken, I was playing around with some other name possibilities, one of which is halcyondreams.com. I like the word halcyon, it is a fun word (but not as good as ornery), and halcyon dreams just brings to mind peaceful/tranquil fluffy clouds.. nothing wrong with that...
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