Mar 16, 2005 15:39
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that general cross section of society is completely fucking retarded. Stupid people are breeding. The IQ quotient is dropping at an alarming rate. I fear that at this rate there will be no one worth while left to converse with. If one should doubt the efficacy of my perception they need look no further than reality television. What the hell is that? One hour of the simple life or dog the bounty hunter or even american idol should be sufficient confirmation. Yes I realize that this is entertainment, and that debasing people on television is one our great strengths as enterprising nation. Quite honestly I could give a shit about people who are stupid enough to volunteer to be ripped apart on national T.V. If your self esteem is that low or you are that mentally deficient then you were going to get it one way or another at some point anyway. What disturbs me is that it has become fashionable to glorify these stupid individuals turning them into virtual Icons. There was a time when great philosophers and scientists and true musicians where cast in bronze and marble and looked upon with awe and respect. I will fucking rue the day I see the first william hung statue in some university court yard. You think I'm joking now, but the day is coming. It used to be chic to be a geek (I could live with that) but the trend is rapidly changing. Now It's chic to be a freaking moron. This would'nt even be such an issue were it not for the fact that at some point I'm going to have to deal directly with the product of our gross broadcast negligence. I'm already seeing signs of increased stupidity in my daily interactions with the general public(some of these people make winners of the celebrated "darwin" awards look like potential Nobel peace prize candidates)If this is any indication of the product of our next generation, we are in serious intellectual retrograde.