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i don’t know if people know this about me, but i hate gross noises. like squishing things, licking, oozing, things like that. i get really sickened/irritated by mouth noises. you know, people who eat too loud, chew with their mouth open, smack their mouth when they talk, breath too loud… it’s all a little neurotic, so i try to be as understanding as possible and let it go. with all the stress in my life, i’m back to hating gross mouth noises 10 times over.
i bring lolipops to work to keep people happy. just another reason why we have the best library to hang out in on campus.
problem is, some people lick, slurp, smack their lolipops in such a loud way that i grosses me out from across the room. if only i could go across and tell them to shut the hell up, but i can’t. i guess i should stop buying the lolipops, but then i won’t have my endless supply of wrappers to decopage everything.
seriously- mouth noises are gross. so are snot noises. nobody likes hearing people blow their nose (which is why i hate doing it). nobody likes hearing people cough or sneeze. i really hate it when people suck the snot through their sinuses down their throat, you know the sound. my brother does it, it’s blood curdling nasty. one of my favourite grad students does it, it’s the only mark against his character. ugh! gross!!!
how’s that for an inane rant?
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