no I'm not high

Sep 03, 2005 00:50

Since most of my close friends (with the exceptions of a handful of extremely special people) are out of school and all living in different places I feel like my life and friends are like a big lump of butter. There we existed for a small time, fresh out of the churn. All together and existing as one. And now gradually the big butter knife (brilliant metaphor for life) has slowly spread us out over our perspective pieces of toast. So many of my pals are on the NYC toast and on the Buffalo toast and there is one in particular who happens to be on the New Hapmshire toast. And while I frequently talk to my butter brothers and sisters and I even visit with them often, I miss my butter lump. I don't necessarily miss school yet, I really just miss seeing the stupid/mundane/ hilarious every day happenings of everyone else's lives. you know the little things that make you laugh but don't stand out enough to tell someone about. I miss the moments and the comments that will never be shared b/c we are not within a close proximity of our lump. And I worry that this amount of spreading will only increase with the passage of time. It's only been a few years since the knife went into motion, and look how far we've spread. The comforting thing is that I know we are all out there improving and enhancing our communities. As butter does to bread. We are never out of touch with one another b/c we are from the same place really. I know that we have not yet seen our full potential reached. Perhaps there will be jams added or eggs placed on top of us-but no matter what happens we will always be influenced by our origins. This post goes out to my butter lump. You know who you are. And while I miss my butter lump terribly and yearn for it's ressurection, I wouldn't trade my butter lump for all the gas in Louisianna. sweet dreams
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