(no subject)

Jul 06, 2013 16:01

It never surprises me just how ignorant and selfish people can be. I understand that we all have lives and things happen. That's the nature of life. Constant flux on some level. But what gets me is how some people are so self entitled that they think they deserve everything and don't have to answer for anything they do. With all the things that are going on in my life a bit of understanding from someone who is supposed to be my friend is expected. Not a tantrum because u don't agree with them. You always find what people are worth and what they value. This isn't any different. Still my thoughts to my friend are pretty much fuck you you fucking fuck and I hope you die in a fire. Maybe that's harsh. But then again they did try really hard to burn down my apartment. So maybe not.
I'm closing that chapter of my life and cutting ties with that one. End of story. Call me cold hearted but its what needs to be done. I've got too much going on right now to deal with petty garbage. For all I know in the next week ill be out of the country dealing with lots of issues I have no idea how to approach. This should be interesting to say the least. Interesting and harrowing.

via ljapp

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