Things keep getting better and better.
Douche Bags
More Douche Bags
Bigger Stupid
I hate people
I hate my life
I need a drink
There are so many ppl I need to watch burn in hell, that is the only way that I can honestly say Ill be happy.
You know one can take so much punishment and still keep moving. I hate the ones that tell me how hard life is, and how terrible it is, and how unfair it is. I always tell them the same thing, life is not all rainbows and unicorns. But like is what we make of it. Yes I hate my life at the moment, but the good times, the laughing, the silliness, the WTF that was weird moments, those are what we live for. We arent happy 90% of the time because its the ten percent we look forward to. There is a quote my brother keeps repeating to me, that 90% of everything is crap, its the 10% that we have to dig and look for to find. People who want results now, and dont want to put the effort to try are the ones that make themselves miserable. I understand when you are ranting and such, but when you believe you rant, or whatever, maybe you should think about that. I hate seeing people who dont think, run into the same wall over and over. And wonder why they are not happy.
All you can do is survive, all you can do is move forward. If something tries to stop you go through it or around it, but you cant stop trying, otherwise you might as well just go play in traffic, eat a gun, or jump off a bridge...sweet dreams kids
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