Cristiano Ronaldo recently gave an interview that was uploaded to the Portugese Football Association 's official YT channel. I've included both parts of the interview in case there are people here who are fluent in Portugese, but have also included a translation behind the cut for those among us who are not. (I know I'm certainly one of them). The translation is courtesy of
this Tumblr.
In it, he (naturally) talks a lot about playing for the Portugal NT, but also a bit about the Ballon D'or, his image, personal life etc. It's broken down in parts, so you can easily find what interests you most.
Click to view
Click to view
(Part 1+2)
Whatever they decide, this will be it… Maybe I’ll be happy, maybe sad, but this is the way life goes. I cannot live just awaiting that one trophy. Your career is not marked by your individual trophies, but by the collective ones, which are the most important. If I win, perfect, if I don’t win, patience, life goes on, I will be same person. Of course, I would like to win, I am not going to lie or be a hypocrite. But I cannot live this like some kind of war… I will continue to be happy, do what I do best, which is play football and continue give my best.
The most important thing for me is to win something for my country, for the NT. Individual records tend to be a bit relative… If everything goes as expected, I will break the individual records. I still have a lot of years left with the NT. And even if I don’t there won’t be a problem. Because the important thing is to win something. The individual records are relatives, important, yes, but not as much as collective ones.
I know that it is difficult. We have been close a few times, the last time we had an important tournament we lost in penalties against Spain. To win a big torunament you also need a bit of luck. This is not supposed to be a justification, but I think all titles are won with a bit of luck, which we have been lacking in the last years.
We know that the margin for mistakes is increasingly small. We cannot afford to lose more points… The Portuguese NT has been having problems in the qualification rounds for the last 10 years. It is nothing new, but we are convinced that the next year will be better.
[On what made the team strong]
Union, group spirit between all team members, staff etc. This is the reason for our success. And after what we did in the EURO we have to concentrate on reaching that point again.
[On his first game for the NT]
Against Kazachstan, I was very nervous, I was on the bench, always hoping that I could make my debut. And Scolari sent me to warm up, and after some time I entered the pitch, and it was one of the best moments with the NT
It is an honour, a privilege to be called up for the NT. I reached 100 international games, and for me that was something very special. To reach that mark with only 27 years. To play for my country is something that fascinates me. I hope to play for a long time still and give my best as a person and as a player to help Portugal.
The support from the Portuguese people, the fans, is fundamental, because we feel it on the pitch and outside the pitch. And this is what reflects in the stadium. It makes us feel this energy, that everyone is on our side and aiming for the same objective. It gives us an extra push
One thing is to play for a club, and the other thing is to play for your NT. I think there are completely different feelings involved. The passion for the game, to win, is the same. But it is more emotional/sentimental to play for your country, for your family, your sons, your cousins, aunts and uncles…
When I have time, I like to follow other sports as well. Futsal is one of those that ispretty similar to football. The last game of Futsal I watched was against Italy. We were up 3-0 and then they equalised and in the end they scored in extra time… But I really like it. I think Portugal has great potential, great players, and, like I said, only a bit of luck is missing.
I like to watch other sports and see the Portuguese win, it makes me proud. I am Portuguese and what I want is to see Portugal win, in Futsal, Volleyball, Judo or Athletics…
Everything I have now I have because of my profession. And this is why I think we have to focus 100% on what we do. If we do not do that we, we aren’t thinking the right way. While I still play football, I will always give my best, whether as the best in the world, the second, the third, 11th.., I think you always have to be dedicated and determined.
Be well rested, that is fundamental. Go there gladly. “Go to training” and “go to train” is something different. You can go to training, and not train, I go there to train. A good breakfast, go with a smile on your face, give your best, be a great professional. And from that moment, 2 sacred hours. Train well, and then relax, be with the family, with friends, put the football part aside and live, be happy. I like to swim, I like to keep my body in form, to eat healthy. Live the life a a great professional.
I think I am an honest person. I do not like hypocrisy, I am a friend of my friends and I fight for those that fight for me. Those are my values, it is my education. I think I have a great heart, I do not bear a grudge against anyone. Everything that happens on the pitch, in this case, stays there. Outside the pitch I am a normal person, I speak to everyone, I do not have problems with anyone.
I think it would be something unique. You never know. Hopefully I can play a CL final in Portugal, and win it. This would be one of those things I hope to happen in my life as a football player.
It is difficult to just mention one beautiful moment. Thanks for God I had a lot and there are more to come. When you make a goal, when you pass the quarter- or half-finals, the qualification phases. In order to mention one… I’d like to mention the first, but I’d also like to mention the last which was beautiful to experience. When we won against the Netherlands and passed to the next stage, but I do not want to forget my first goal for the NT, my first game…
My experience from almost 10 years is to always love the shirt you are wearing. The NT is something unique, it is something you always aim for even being a kid. My advice is that you have to give your best, always be a great professional, because our country is something sacred. And we have to give our best. Believe and think that someday we will win something important.
I think that if we think too much, a lot of things are not how we want them… I do not think about what I am going to do in a game. But of course I am concentrated, because it is fundamental if you want the things to turn out well. But to think about a move on the pitch, something you planned beforehand, no. The things have to come naturally. And when they do, it is best - like in life in general.
[ON EURO 2012]
Great pride to be Portuguese. I think we did great, keeping in mind the expectations the people around us had. I think what we did what really positive for our country, for us, for our own ego.
When I enter the pitch, I do not smile a lot. I think this sometimes can be a bit harmful for me. People maybe think I am a bit arrogant, unpleasant… But the people that really know me, maybe have a totally different opinion of me. It is something normal. I think we cannot judge the people by something that we see or hear, I think we have to get to know them, to have a real conversation. And then people talk about what other people talk about me have, they have their opinions about what they see on TV anout football players, actors… It is normal, that’s life. If we don’t know [the people…], we have the obsession to criticise, to say something about them. But when we know how hey really are, maybe we notice that they are normal people, greats guys… And that is what really matters. What they do to me, maybe I sometimes unjustly do to them as well. I think it is normal.
The most important thing I have in my life, without a doubt. And I think being a parent changes everyone of us. Your (sub)conscience changes, everything. And for me it is a pride, like a dream. I know I am young, and to already have a child, someone to care for and to raise, is beautiful. Like I said before, I’d like to have another kid. I think family is what is most important, values of your families, it is what marks you. I have a great family and I want to have my own as well.
I do not have a favourite dish. If I have to mention one, maybe Cozido à Portuguesa, it is typical and very good.
I listen to a bit everything. I like music, we have good singers and a great culture. I won’t mention anyone because I like a lot and we have great artists.
Live my life, with a good family, one or two children more, and try to be happy. This is what I see, even though I am not a person that looks too much into the future. But in 23 years I will probably be better than now, or not. Time will tell.
I would also just like to say that Cris still arguably has the most expressive face in football. Possibly the whole of Madrid.
(GIFS by