Support for Pipita

Jan 09, 2011 15:35

Hey guys, news coming from Madrid says the boys will take to the field tonight wearing shirts that say "Ánimo Pipa, recupérate pronto" and crazy_girl_86 and I got talking. This is an insanely hard time for Pipita right now and we thought there was a way Madridistas could show their support for him. Basically, what we thought, is that leading up to the game and especially during it we get #animopipa trending. We often get #halamadrid trending just because we are that fierce so I know we can make this happen. It can be our way to support him and show a united front. He doesn't have to be your favourite player but he is one of us and he is facing a hard time right now. He might never see this, but he might, the players might see it as they check their twitters after the game. You never know. But I know we can do this if you're up for it!

#animopipa #animopipa #animopipa


epic? look under hala_madrid, member: thoughts, our team are history (breaking) geeks, twitterpated

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