Maa, joka myi kansansa orjuuteen

Jul 06, 2011 15:51

Suomen lehdistö on aivan käsittämättömän puolueellinen mitä tulee Kreikan talousongelmien käsittelyyn. Lehtijutuista saa sen kuvan, että ongelmat on kaikkien kreikkalaisten omaa syytä, vaikka tosiasiassa kyse on ollut valtaapitävien mokailuista ja epätoivoisista yrityksistä lahjoa kansaa puolelleen.

Ja kuka ne virheet sitten korjaa? Ei suomalaiset, ei saksalaiset. Ei yksikään niistä maista, jotka kuvittelevat, että niiden "avusta" on Kreikalle oikeasti jotain hyötyä. Ei; vaan Kreikan köyhtyvä kansa, joka joutuu kokonaisuudessaan käytännössä IMF:n maaorjiksi.

Maassa vähän aikaa sitten hyväksytty uusi laki sanoo Socrateen mukaan muunmuassa seuraavaa:

"a) Greece's state companies (power, telephones, ports, trains etc) will give *all* their winnings to the IMF when their expences will still be paid for by the greek people.

b) The only thing that belongs to the state that will not be sold are the ancient monuments, that will have all the rights given to the IMF non the less, we just keep the property. But even the tickets money will be given to the IMF (who can rearrange the prices as well) whereas the expences for the maintenance will still be paid by the greek people.

c) They retain the right to buy or sell anything that belongs to the people, confiscate the money in the tax company, in the social security company and so on and so forth, which also means that they might leave no money there even for pensions to be paid, and healthcare.

d) They will buy and have the right to sell all of our beaches and islands

e) They will have the right to borrow money from anyone and use us as a guarantee - which means they can borrow money from France, and we will have to pay that money to them afterwards, with whatever interest they agree upon, and the greeks will have no say over it. Oh, and we are forbidden to borrow money from anyone else so as to repay the debts, (i.e. china, russia or what not)."

"Namely, some days ago, some greeks went to the parliament and asked for the detailed analysis of our debt, so as for the greek poppulus to know what we owe and to whom exactly. And they were denied the data.

And they were beaten to pulp soon after for protesting.

By the newest law, it's forbidden to show anyone the exact numbers, due to some convension about antagonism in a free capitalistic market."

"And mark my words, there will be very cheap greek prostitutes around Europe very soon."

popkornia&politiikkaa, arvotus

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