Who does McCain think he's fooling? I want answers.

Sep 25, 2008 10:05

So I'm sure you've all heard that McCain has decided to suspend his campaign in the interest of going to DC to "help work out the current financial crisis in America. " Umm... dude... per your statements less than a week ago... "What crisis?" Give me a break.

Not only has McCain suspended his campaign, they have also worked to make Obama look bad for still wanting the presidential debates at the end of this week. His little team of media spinners has said that this is "not the time for political posturing" and that he needs to "serve the american people by doing his job, not making speeches." So what changed? The fact that the whitehouse has FINALLY acknowledged the economic downslide after a debatably necessary, although questionably legal bailout and take-over of some mortgage and investment bank giants might just be the catalyst behind this.

I may just be cynical, but does it not seem to anyone else that the whole McCain camp making a big deal, and ensuring a media frenzy about how much McCain is suddenly focused on helping to solve America's financial woes, so much so that he can not campaign at the same time, is really just another form of political posturing? He's not doing this because he can do any good. He's not doing this because he needs to focus on coming up with the panacea to recession. He's doing this to make himself appear concerned to middle america. He's trying to raise his numbers among the undecided by showing that he puts his job above his campaign. I find this hard to believe since the Senate is not primarily responsible for money management, and he doesn't even serve on any meaningful economic committees. The best part of all of this is the perfect timing of Bush's speech last night acknowledging the current economic downfall,  which just happened to coincide with the suspension of McCain's campaign.

Personally, I would rather see McCain's tired old butt on stage having a reasonable debate with Obama on fiscal issues. I'm not going to get into the necessity of the action, because I think it is probably a reasonable action to forestall the crash of the market as a whole. However, I would like to hear if either candidate thinks that the Treasury is overstepping their bounds. Do they really have the authority to grant such a sizable loan? Are we really considering a similar financial grant to foreign banks? I want to know how the candidates plan to recover from our recession. I want to know if it's possible for either side to recognize that neither of them has the RIGHT solutions, and that the answers almost always lie somewhere in the middle on problems like this.

Bottom line, I have questions, I want answers, and I don't think McCain is going to give them. I demand transparency, and McCain is clear as mud, but his political actions are crystal clear. Quit trying to knock down, and/or show up the other guy, and just tell America where you stand. Goes for you too, Obama.
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