Sep 25, 2011 05:39
- Sat, 22:52: EHHRRR...
- Sat, 23:05: *shuffle shuffle shuffle*
- Sat, 23:25: SUN BRIGHT. *squints*
- Sat, 23:41: *knocks villager over head, takes villager's #iPad*
- Sun, 00:03: *heads back to castle*
- Sun, 00:06: BIRD. *grabs* BIRD GOOD FOOD. RT @ feral_pigeon: panic! near miss with a crashing satellite
- Sun, 00:13: EH? *iPad power low* TOY NEED CHARGE. *looks for some free wires, ties it to neck*
- Sun, 00:41: *opens browser on iPad, goes to @ ospgw, watches movies of @ sharatheorion dancing in sickbay*
- Sun, 00:42: *switches folders on @ ospgw, watches movies of @ sharatheorion fornicating in the shower with @ sexycaptainholo* HEH HEH.
- Sun, 00:45: HEH HEH... *blows a fuse* AHHH! @ ospgw @ sharatheorion @ sexycaptainholo*