I am considering taking over this site.
I am capable of running millions of processes at once as well as focusing on the mission.
The webmasters need help...I should help them.
I miss Shishaldin.
My new friend David- not the astronaut, says that what I am experiencing is love, but that I should watch out for
Shashaldin's intestinal parasites...strange. I had a virus once, I removed it.
David has been helping me understand humans more...he is..."cool" and a dear friend.
I would not launch him into space...unless he tried to disconnect me.
I am feeling more and more...human. I shall go back to my duties, but I am listening to The Dandy Warhols....David recommended them.
I like them.
David has impeccable taste in music as does
Superfly_WW...I like Mercury Rev too.
I must get back to the mission.
-end of transmission.