Jan 21, 2005 16:16
Hey fuckers....Second day on Live Journal and its preety fucking fun!(thnx kelly! for showing me this crap)and well heres the shit i fucking did today
1st period , i shat all over my chest and wrote my name in it.....I FUCKING SUCKED ON THE CW TODAY I GOT MINUS25 OUT OF 30 LOL , and so Ms Naranjo gave me a website to practice my math , and i have to print out the shit i do on it becuz im a fucking mongaloid when it comes Math!!
3rd periods ate out my own fucking dick with cats in a craddle with a silver spoon LMAO , thats preety fucking funny!!Anyways...i was using the computer in 3rd period(chess)and Mr Gayrerou came in , it turns out that it was just a temporary sub , so i ran to my seat LOl , then i forgot my bookbag next to the computer so BAM!EVIDENCE!!jeez im such a fucker!!
and well 5th period....Ms Gonzalez E wasnt having her fucking period!She was actually cool , and I had fun in LA , i got to sit one seat back becuz some fag wasnt there......and thats like 2 desks away from Paul and I kept telling him about (we were doing flow charts in LA , with cause and affect) how The cause was...I got Good Grades-->Parents took me to Disney World-->[indirect effect:i was too busy fingering my ass hole parents left without me and grandpa]-->Then grandpa juggled my kooyanz becuz mom wasnt there :-D lol well buy fuckers!!