Other Doujinshi

Mar 24, 2015 01:05

Doujinshi for sale! CLICK HERE to order!
View more doujinshi under cut! All are eruri pairings.

Read description from left to right
code | title | circle | size & pages | rating | price (not including shipping)


Anthology of different themes by different doujinka

hirosei 001 | ベタ。 | chicken | B5 96P | G | USD16

Set of 2 doujinshi by the same artist

hirosei002 | LOVE HND | 蒼月亭 | B5 16P | G
                    LOVE HND2 | 蒼月亭 B5 24P | G | USD10

Daiya no A - Furuya x Sawamura

furusawa001 | pciu | おいなり@ | B5 28P | G | USD5
furusawa002 | ねぇ、結婚しよう? | abloom CHEEKY! | B5 40P | G | USD5
furusawa003 | 純愛スタディタイム | abloom | B5 36P | G | USD7
furusawa004 | きみの手にひかる星 | だいだい | A5 36P | G | USD5

Gintama - Okita x Kagura

okikagu001 | 追いかけっこ | MILK PRICE | B5 32P | G | USD7
okikagu002 | kiss for the frst time | MILK PRICE | B5 44P | G | USD8

Hoozuki no Reitetsu - Hoozuki x Hakutaku

hoohaku001 | 先に手を出すお前が悪い! | ラントルポ | B5 28P | R-18 | USD5

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Dino x Hibari

dh001 | JEWELRY B9X 03 | 999 | A5 102P | R-15 | USD10 | A compilation of several doujinshis by the same artist
dh002 | おやすみベッド | 林檎蜂蜜酒 | B5 30P | R-18 | USD8
dh003 | ドリーム・モスキートス・ブリング 後編 | cad | A5 28P | G | USD2
dh004 | 人魚姫ノ恋 | 糖花 | B5 44P | G | USD3

One Piece - Ace x Luffy

op001 | Sweet Days | aquarium+onemani | B5 36P | G | USD5

one piece, daiya no a, barakamon, gintama, doujinshi, katekyo hitman reborn, sales post, hoozuki no reitetsu

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