Nov 24, 2004 23:54
In sickness and in health, I dragged my ass out to the Pixies concert tonight. They were good. Frank Black is fat and energetic. Kim Deal looks old. The drummer fucked up twice in the first song and the lead guitarist was very self indulgent. They were awesome. The sound man should be hung though. The levels were topped out so when all the instruments were rockin' out, they blended badly and just became noise. The vocals were set so high that they were clipping. *sigh* Such a good show, such bad sound.
One thing I did notice tonight that kind of stabbed me in the ribs from time to time... I am old and out of place. I felt a bit of that earlier today when I told someone at work I was going to see The Pixies and the response was "Who?" Even still. Yeah, there were folks there older than me, but it was all ages and there were a whole tonne of high school folks there and I just felt old and awkward.
Growing up fucking sucks.