Hakuouki anime - KBS station

May 03, 2010 23:42

Hey everyone!

I'm a newbie to this comm! Just wanna pop by and say hi to everyone... in my recent trip to Japan, Hakuouki was being promoted on various anime magazines at Akiba and it got me really interested because of its beautiful graphics *coughyummybishounenscough* and edo period setting.
I'm a sucker for edo period storylines! =D

hee, anyways, my main aim for this post is to share the following program with you guys! =D

For those who may be interested, you can watch Hakuouki on KBS (Kyoto Broadcasting station), every Monday at 1am Japan time!

You can watch KBS channel via an online streaming program by the Japanese government, called KeyholeTV program.

The official site for keyholeTV is as follows - http://www.keyholetv.jp

You can download the program called "KeyholeTV" on the left and once the program is installed, pick the TV station you want and click "watch". =D

I was randomly surfing the various TV channel's program guide online when i noticed that Hakuouki was showing at 12am in my country's time.

Damn, was planning to have an early night, but it seems like i'll have to stay awake til Hakuouki airs on TV. XD

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