
May 07, 2010 11:00

  • 13:53 Was singing along to Love is War and the kitty on my desk started staring at me. DO I SING BADLY PAUL I'M SORRIES ;A; #
  • 14:41 NO KHI SERVER DON'T BE BUSY I JUST FINISHED MY POST ;___; Yes, caps lock was required. :D #
  • 14:48 Idea: if I'm hungry, wait an hour. Won't be hungry then! :D ...Maybe. Maybe not. I'm being veryvery self-conscious right now :[ #
  • 16:21 Space Paranoids is online! It's really fun :D (Very hard to play on this computer, though XD;) #FlynnLives #
  • 20:26 I go on Facebook to see one person who I barely talk to ; I go on MSN to see incredibly awesome friends. Which is more important? :] #
  • 20:27 Dunno if that makes any sense... I go on FB in hope that someone will say something to me, but MSN should be far more important :D #
  • 20:28 Yet it's rarely open. I want to talk to my friends, but I forget! I worry about other pointless stuff and that sucks. (/tweet spam XD;) #
  • 22:04 New Kingdom Hearts AMV! Well, sorta. XD; #
  • 23:56 ...Why do I want to make a TronLegacyesque!Rena costume for the Tron opening? Maybe not Rena, but ashfoiasho BLUE HAIR :D #
  • 23:57 Rena would look like Kagamine Len... but Aoi would have a cool cloak plus blue hair. I could make the cloak light up! Electronics!! :D #
  • 23:58 Or it could just be... TronLegacyesque!someone with blue hair. Yooooosh. :D #
  • 11:30 New Muse? Screw the fact it has something to do with Twilight! IT'S FREAKIN' MUSE :DD #
  • 11:33 Going to learn how to play guitar with ze intranets. Yes, I'm bizarre. :] #
  • 11:39 (thiswillsoundweirdsorries!) Dude, posture's important in guitar too? likelikelike VIOLIN D: STRING INSTRUMENTS FWEE #
  • 11:54 asdhfosiahdfoa MATH AND KEYS AND ZOMG :DD Thank you Mathmagicland! #
  • 11:55 Except I hate math. :| I don't understand why this is so interesting when math reallyreally sucks XD; #
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