IRL rant-ish time? D: I dunno...
My dad is definitely being a big jerk. He obviously has an anger problem because, when he gets mad, he takes it out on everybody. He's also doing a LOT of lazy things, which is ticking everybody off.
He always acts like he's the one that does everything. Definitely not true. >:\ Complete opposite, actually. Last night, he told my mom to do the dishes for him and went upstairs and played AC/DC music REALLY loud. In turn, my mom had a panic attack and he ended up not cooking anything at all. He also likes to come up with things involving chores and not do them. He says 'I'll vaccuum every other day!' and throws my name in there and says I have to do that, too. He ends up not doing that and only vaccuums when he's sick of the floor being dirty.
So... umm... to the point! D: I woke up this morning to him being grumpy and ticked off. He told me to go feed the cats, so I went 'Okayokay I need to feed the cats...' and accidentally fell backwards onto my pillow and fell back asleep. :D He woke me up again and told me to feed the cats because 'it's my responsibility' 'n stuff. That's sorta the case. My mom asks me to feed the cats when she's working, so I say 'OKIE-DOOKIE! :D' and do that. She also asks my dad to do that sometimes, but the one time she asked him that, he turned around and asked me to feed them. I found that out and screamed 'OH NO YOU DIDN'T >:\' and got him to feed the cats one day.
Today, he ended up feeding the cats because I couldn't get up. Why? We have a really clingy cat and he would NOT let me get up. So, my dad stomped off in a huff and fed the cats while I hid in the bathroom until he was done. When he's ticked off... he's scary. Reallyreally scary. D: So, I hide most of the time.
Finally, he told me that we were going to have a discussion about me feeding the cats everyday when my mom has to work. Well, if we doing that, I'm going to spit out one thing: he needs to stop being lazy if he wants me to do that. We also need to take turns because, quite frankly, he has no chores to do. I know that might not be my place to say that, but I'm sick and tired of him complaining about this sort of stuff when he does no chores whatsoever!
If we're having a discussion, then FINE. But I will scream out what I've been trying to scream for a long while. Just because he's doing that, my mom keeps on getting more and more ticked off at him. He needs to get off of his butt. >:[
......SPEAKING OF WHICH. I'm going to go do my chores now. D: My bed is messy and there's clothes everywhere. I MUST PUT AWAY MY LAUNDRY! >:\*jumps away superhero-style whoosh*