I saw the new Indiana Jones last nighttttt.
'Twas good! :D I think that's my favourite of the summer movies I've seen thus far. I seriously think I like it better than Iron Man, which is different from everyone else. [I think the icky parts at the beginning of IM made me like it less than I could have liked it, but I still seriously like it. 'Twas gewd, too :3] I thought there were going to be lots of snakes; THANK GOODNESS THERE WEREN'T XD; I haven't seen the rest of the trilogy, only about the first 45 minutes of the first one, so I didn't get some stuff that everybody else was laughing about, but I guess I'll get it once I see the rest. Except 2. Definitely not watching 2... ;___;
My favourite part was the motorcycle chase scene. AWESOME XD; I loved the part where they slid under the library tables and then that guy started asking Indy questions... And then Indy said 'YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THE LIBRARY >:[' and rode off with Shia. And SHIA IS SO CUTE ;_______; I BLAME TRANSFORMERS, BUT SERIOUSLY, HE'S ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. Why is it that I tend to like guys from movies that George Lucas has a part in... I had a crush on Jake Lloyd because he was Anakin and Anakin is seriously a cutie. [And Jake still is cute xD;]
And my least favourite part was, of course, the sand pit. Well, I loved what Mary said to Indy and how Indy took it, but when Mutt came back... Ick. D: HATED that part. Everybody was laughing their head off, as was I a bit, but I didn't watch most of that part 'cause of that THING. EWWWWW. Thankfully, that was the only really bad part.
ANDANDAND I also wore my hat, and I realized that it's like Mutt's at the beginning! ASHDFIOAHSO Completely different colour and a little different design, but altogether, IT'S THE SAMEEEEE. I was so excited about that XD;
So, that's it about Indy. Next movie... PANDAMONIUMMMMM :D Then it's Wall-E and Get Smart then DARK. KNIGHT. ZOMG BEST SUMMER MOVIE SERIOUSLY *________* Well, it'll have to go against Wall-E. This summer movie season is going to be so awesomeeeee. There's many more movies than last year! [And Spidey and Ratatouille were the only really good ones last year D:] I'm excited to see all of these movies. X3 Clone Wars, however... eh. I'll have to go see it, but it's not something I'm screaming about. I don't like Star Wars that much anymore... :[