Apr 18, 2008 17:05
Mmkay, first off! I GREATLY apologize to all of you who commented on the last post. I'm a horrible person and suck at replying to comments, but ZOMG YOU'RE ALL SO SWEETTTTT ;____; THANK YEW! *huggles you all* and now i'm probably going to bug one of you because you said we could talk >:O *GASPGASP*
I also greatly apologize for my lack of activity in a certain KH roleplay on here. Sora is most definitely posting today, but still. GOTTA APOLOGIZE D: *gives cookies*
Andddddd. Yeah. If you can't tell, Rena's not depressed anymore.
SHE GOT HER MODERATOR JOB BACKKKKKKK! 8DDDDDD SHE'S SO HAPPY THAT SHE WENT MODERATING LAST NIGHT. And only moved two threads. Not very much moderating, but yeah. I'm going to work on making the Fan Fic section more active, and I'm gonna help with the icky place known as 'the Challenges section'. :| If I have to warn everyone there to make them stop being asses, I WILL GLADLY DO SO.
And, that's it! Yeahhhh. I'm kinda bored right now. I'm gonna work on Kage's design D: *skips off*