Dec 06, 2008 10:23
6 months ago I could barely run one mile
12 weeks ago I was doing 3.1
Today I ran 13.1
It is hard to fathom what I just accomplished, maybe I will later today when I recover.
People race for different reasons; I can only share my experience today.
We all need a competitor, something to push us, something to convince us we will finish what we start. It isn't the starting line you have already made it there. It isn't the finish line that is miles away. It isn't the people you are running with, you have been running with some of them for 12 weeks now. Your competitor is the distance, it's you and 13.1 miles. It has always been there. It doesn't get tired, it doesn't have to train, it doesn't experience the frustration of a body giving out on a training day, the pulled muscles, the blisters, bruises, the insufferable cold and rain. You are David except your giant will not go down with a sling.
You conserve your energy, your mind goes blank. You ignore the pretty lakes, trees, the smells of wood smoke from chimneys. Sometimes you run next to someone, sometimes it's alone. Little pockets of people line the streets. Some hand you a cup of water of which you may get a sip. Some cheer and hold up signs or wait to cheer for loved ones. It's just a blur though, it's just you and the distance.
At mile 11 things start to come into focus. Your body has reminded you that it can't ignore pain forever and may want to shut down. Your mind holds on to the fact it's only a few miles to the finish line. Your competitor waits patiently. You choke on the water at the last water stop because your body wants oxygen not water. You push your body to the limit. You decided at the starting line that walking or crawling across the finish line was unacceptable; you will run it.
And then it's over. You wait and cheer for your friends as they cross the line. You congratulate each other. You feel good, you have won over your competition.
I don't think I have any other words to express what happened this morning, the only wisdom I can share is:
1) Respect the distance.
2) If you have run without pain, you have jogged.