PETA, the extreme animal rights activist group, has admitted that they kill animals. Why am I never up to date with these things? I know this is hardly something to get into a frenzy over (not that I am getting into one), but this really has surprised me. I was aware that they were dodgy, but...not like this.
I can't claim to be a lover and defender of all creatures great and small (some animals I love, some scare me shitless), but this information is so unsettling. Isn't there any majorly documented conservationist group that's clean? Wait, I'm using PETA as an example..a group that borders along terrorism.
Please don't take this to mean that I'm being self-righteous or using this entry as an excuse to jump on the soapbox and rant against the 'evils' in our society or the world...I don't support the slave labour in Columbia or the murders, but I drink Coca Cola (only because I like the taste). I don't believe in torturing animals or killing them recklessly for their fur, but I shop at Selfridges (which is supposed to have stopped doing that...I have no idea).
Then again, when I do feel that it endangers myself or my faith, I will boycott certain products from companies associated with political extremes (ie prejudice). Does that make me a hypocrite, that I boycott some products to defend what I believe in, but I don't follow suit for other issues that are just as serious? Animals have the right to live as much as we do. Everyone in general has the right to live and breathe (not going into specific examples, ie those who DO deserve death. There are criminals who do, I'm certain of it. But they're not always the ones placed on Death Row by default). So am I actually being selfish in not trying to defend them as well?
But there's also the issue that you can't save everyone, no matter how hard you try...but is this just a lazy excuse of mine? So much for saying this entry isn't about jumping on the soapbox..or getting into some kind of frenzy or other.
And the icon you see above is there, because I don't seem to have any others that display a similar reaction or are more or less closer. Plus I felt like it.