Last week of term, huzzah!
I've been feeling pretty upbeat today; and hopefully nothing's gonna screw it up.
1) I found out that I didn't have as much reason to feel intimidated by my project supervisor, as I did before today. She's nice, she listens, she's understanding, and she's pretty friendly. I also think that because I'm doing a dissertation for English as well (which, if you're a joint honours English lit/MCS student, means you do a 7000 extended essay instead of a 10 000 dissertation) made things easier, as she said that if I try interviewing eight people for my project then it would be rather ambitious, since it takes time to set up contacts and analyze the data. So I should aim for about four to six people instead, which helps make everything easier to handle :D Best of all, she told me not to compare my progress to that of everyone else, because they have to do 10 000 words.
That was the best thing that I had ever heard. ♥ My supervisor also asked about my plans for the holidays too, and I told her about my cousin's move from Pakistan to Birmingham. She then told me to enjoy spending time with her and have a happy holiday!
2) Speaking of my cousin, about two weeks ago she asked if I could come over to her in-laws' house and spend a day with her, but at the time I couldn't because of work. Now that term time is ending, I can come over and hang out with her next week :DD Her husband, who's a cool and friendly guy after all, has no qualms whatsoever with me visiting, and hell - even her mother-in-law has asked Mum about dozen times if I could come over and visit!
3) Oh yeah, and today, while I was at Waterstone's, I was looking for a volume edition of Transformers: Infiltration when I heard some random girl talking with someone (a teacher of hers, I assume) about comic books to use for her dissertation, and she mentioned Ronin and Sin City. This perked up my attention (how many girls do you meet in Birmingham, who enjoy comic books and don't spit down on them as "low brow"? Seriously!), but I didn't say anything until later, when I told her teacher about Forbidden Planet on Priory Street, to find more comics new and old. And oh man, he then talked about Forbidden Planet in London being the place to go! (I had wanted to go there, about two years back when sis and our cousins were doing a 'sight see' on our own of London and what else it has to offer to us (aside from the usual trip to a relative's house) but couldn't, since the road got blocked off at the time (someone had an accident...oi.)
I mentioned how I wanted to go there, and then we (the teacher and I) started talking about comic history, the comic book as an art form, the ways in which comics are perceived as "trash" (well, I brought up that point, because back in grade 12/13 I was the only enthusiast iof comic books, and faced the "omg! How can you LIKE comics? They're stupid, and rob you of the imagination" crap, as well as ridicule from my peers) and how comic audiences seem to be changing, because of the rise in female artists and readers.
It was amaaaa-zing. And hey, I didn't get his number if that's what you're thinking. No, no no...I'm not that kinda girl. ;P But the chance to geek out like that was just awesome.
4) Sis is coming home, next Friday or Saturday. * YAY *
5) I plan to introduce Studio Ghibli to my cousin and her husband. But the only DVD I have is 'Grave of the Fireflies' (which isn't actually my favourite movie from Ghibli, and it didn't move me or make me cry, but it's still very good)....okay, whether that's not a good choice of introductory material, I don't know. But still, won't hurt to try? Personally, I'd rather use Nausicaa, Spirited Away or Laputa, but I only have downloads.
6) Are there enough points for a number 6? Umm...cousin wants to cook something together and watch a movie! Yeah!
Hey, I think that's still pretty exciting; knowing my interest in cooking. Not an expert, but I still enjoy it.
7) Stretching it! Lessee, lessee...
I'm as in love as ever with the art from this furry artist I watch on DA, KaceyM. Such beautiful colouring, and fun characters. (If Furry's not your cup of tea, then skip this part. I'm not gonna shove it down your throat if you're not a fan of anthros; because that would suck big time and look bad on my part.) Here are some examples of what won me over to her work:
Dance Like You Mean It Dragon Dance Abe Christmas 2006 8) Speaking of furry, there's also an interesting fur fan community, with anthro versions of Dethklok called
dethfurs :D Panther!Nathan actually works better, than I thought it would! It seems to be slash orientated, though, but some of it is fact, I think most of the pictures there, so far, are gen? I have no idea if it'll be updated, soon. Which is unfair, because I really like
dirty_baka's furry versions of the band and would seriously love to see more pictures of them.
When I sort out my paypal so that it would go faster during the money transfer, I'd like to try commissioning
dirty_baka (and a couple of other artists) for furry art. Perhaps of my own OC's, though I have no visual references of them anywhere...I don't trust myself with doing character design, save through concepts and word descriptions. Sorta.
Man, I should give doing a "sequel" to my story a try...and hope it doesn't come out shite. I want to try a "confrontation" for the main character through a dream sequence, but wouldn't that be too close to the Sopranos for comfort?
9) Nine? We're on to nine, now? Okay, okay...urm..
I love you, guys. Honestly, I mean it!
10) I've been feeling upbeat, today, and hope that this feeling won't end!
Let's hope the library will be open, during the holidays. And that nothing goes down the sinkhole in a horrible, horrible way.