Ready (?) to go!!

Jul 08, 2014 04:06

So here we are! In a couple of hours, I'll be on a plane on my way to Japan!
It took me hours to get my suitcase done but I managed to do it! I'm actually pretty proud of myself because packing is one of the thing I hate the most in the world, and nobody was there to help me this time 8D

It's kind of weird...Even if almost everything is ready, I don't realize I'll be in Tokyo in less than 24 hours...I guess that's probably because I'm way too exhausted to feel anything right now aha! With my job at Japan Expo and preparations for my trip, I was barely at home during the past 6 days and haven't watched a single Johnny's show in what seems like ages to me. I put everything I have to catch up with in my mp4 player but honestly, I'm so tired I think I will sleep through the whole 14 hours long flight and won't watch anything x)

Anyways, it's already 4 am here and I'll be leaving home early in the morning so I should try to get a few hours of sleep. I'll talk to you guys from Japan! =D

PS: Pour les quelques français qui liraient ce post et seraient intéressés à suivre mon parcours cet été, n'hésitez pas à consulter la version française du site Japan Travel! Tous les articles rédigés par Noro Randria seront les miens =D Il y en a déja quelques uns disponibles sur le site mais pour le moment, ce sont juste des articles que j'ai traduits de l'anglais ^_^

japan trip 2014

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