Renewal time

Mar 27, 2012 13:47

There is this personal note I need to write.
I want some particular people to read it and I hope they will.
I maybe should have written it in French instead of English but I feel more embarassed using French so sorry for that.
If you think you are concerned by that personal note (you know who you are), then please read the following part.

If I have to describe myself, I would say I'm a selfish kid, doing only what I want to do and I hate when I feel like people force me to do something I don't want to.
I think I don't share most of the interests ''normal" people of my own age have. For example I hate going out, meeting new people, doing a party,...

So when I'm asked about doing something I don't like, instead of taking things in what is supposed to be an adult way = having a proper talk, I prefer doing it in a childish way = avoiding problems by sulking.

I found this post earlier: 
"Recognizing a sulking type. The sulker can be male or female. They tend to be people who resolve conflict by avoiding it and hiding away somewhere or putting on a look. [...]
Some signs include hiding away or retreating, refusing to speak to you all day/night/whenever specified period they feel is appropriate[...], icy, cold attitude, and a refusal to reciprocate feelings and affection."
Very childish isn't it? This is exactly me and I know I have to stop that.
But to be honest, I also know that I won't.

Today, I can say that I'm sorry and you can be sure I really mean it because I always feel awfully guilty everytime I act that way especially when I know you are worrying about me.

But I also know that this all thing will be repeating all over again someday. 
I can't help it.
It's not about feeling good, bad, happy or depressed.

I'm fine. I always was. It's just that I suck at real life friendship.

Time for some random Johnny's news~

On April 6th, there will be a Music Station Spring SP and Johnny's net announced Kis-My-Ft2 participation.
On MSta official website, there is a form you can fill up until April 5th with your favorite spring singer, song and the reason why you like it.
I can't think about a particular spring song but I usually like a lot seasons related songs such as Nagori Yuki, SEASONS, Aki no sora, Fuyu koi, Endless summer,...

Then there is Sexy Zone new song Lady Diamond PV preview
Very bright and colourful.
They wanted to create the image of an amusement park full of dreams but it might have been a nightmare for the poor Juniors when they saw what they had to wear.

And to finish with, Ebi will be on the cover of Wink up May issue!!
I haven't bought magazines in a long time, the latest I have is Wink up August 2011 so...
The problem is that I don't go often to Paris and magazines are getting more and more expensive...
I'll think about it. ^^

Yesterday was Johnny's Jr. Land day, yay!! ^o^)/
This one was particular because there was no Battle Colosseo, only three very interesting and funny talk parts and the same eight members I like a lot during all the show: Fû, TaniRyû, Miyachika, Yoshizawa, Waki, Hani, Genki and Akiba Ryusei for the first time.

So first, Answer station with Fû, Waki (I love his necklace) and Ryusei.

Waki's problem is a big one. There was a time he used to like vegetables more than meat but now, except cabbage and lettuce, he can't eat vegetables AT ALL. .__. !?
When Fû and Ryusei are supposed to put Waki in a happy mood, they have nothing better to say than "Wakiyama-kun is as beautiful as a cucumber" or "He shines more than a carrot" xD
Then Waki eats a cucumber, his first in three years, and his comment is: "It tastes like the green part in a watermelon. I think I like it!" 
What's with this guy!?

Second part: Brain Mirror with Hani (who finally had a hair cut) as main.

We learn interesting facts about Hani: he has a speaking turtle, according to the others, he is an action boy, he likes sleeping, he went to Malaysia with his family and when he was in elementary school, he was busier than now as a Johnny's Jr. because he used to do swimming, athletics, rugby, soccer AND tennis. 
There is this moment when Miyachika says that when he is at school, he can't be with his Junior friends and feels lonely.
How cute ♥
Brain Mirror house is taking a little rest so it was the last for a while.

Jr. Dream Live with the 85423124973th Sexy Zone medley (Sexy Zone, Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!, With you).

And then we have last part which was my favorite: Debate Island.

Mogi announces that from now on, they will debate on questions they will get from the official website.
Since it's the first time, no questions yet so they talk about Mogi's troubles. (Fû: Eh Mogi-san has worries!?)

Have I already said how much I like Mogi?? 
He does a great job in letting everyone talk at least once, he is funny without being ridiculous and he seems to have fun with Juniors. They couldn't have found a better MC.
Plus we learn in this corner that he is also a TV/radio announcer and narrator and he even used to be a singer and a dancer.

Mogi's first worry is that he does so many different things he doesn't know how to introduce himself anymore when he is asked to.
So he wants Juniors to find him an original and catchy qualifying name.
Miyachika suggests "narralist" but Ryusei finds it sounds like "narucist" (=narcissist) so he comes up with what I think was the best answer: "pera talker" (pera pera refers to someone who talks a lot).

Mogi's second worry is that he forgets things too much and the last one is that he spends too much time on the Internet. (I know someone like that)
When work is over, he just keep on clicking until he falls asleep on his chair, then he wakes up and goes back to clicking
Juniors suggest him to only use internet if he has a precise thing to do.
Easy to say.
They should try to become a Johnny's fan for one day and we'll see if they will be able to turn off their computer. 8D

Last but not least, some informations about Johnny's Jr. Land renewal and power up.
Starting from next week (sunday episode), Juniors will take minor sports challenges in Battle Colosseo.
I remember it was a lot of fun to see Arashi doing minor sports in G no Arashi so I know it will be awesome with Juniors. 
Then we will have two new corner: Jr. World Dancer (I think this is the reason why some Juniors said in a recent interview that they worked with Travis Payne) and Junilan Pressure Press Club.

Looking forward to see next episode ♥

tv show: johnny's jr. land, i love my fandom ♥, mogi jûnichi, yoshizawa shizuya, friends and friendship, real life and me

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