Dec 09, 2010 22:42
[ It's midway into dinner preparations when Alf opens the journal for some noise; it's shortly after when he decides to do small talk. ]
It snowed again, today. Maybe it's just me, but there's something about the blanket of white that calms the mind. Not to mention, you can do a lot with all that snow.
Is everyone enjoying the weather?
c: rupert giles (consultmybooks),
c: raven (crisis_rain),
c: caesar silverberg (mydearapple),
- voice,
c: aerith gainsborough (gardenerofgaia),
c: sanji (oda_hates_me),
c: nina parker (compos_mentis),
!in character,
c: ventus (risingwinds),
c: richard (ledbythewind),
game: luceti
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Neither did the Empire. It's a shame, considering how nice snow can be.
Reply a few minutes. Once he sees whether or not he's in trouble.] Oh, it's absolutely wonderful. Best if you can see it late at night or early in the morning, of course, before everyone goes walking on it. Then there's ice.
I couldn't agree more. It looks its softest before it's stepped on. [Oho, ice.] Do you like the ice much, as well?
I'm, ah, less of a fan of ice. In general. [He may have already slipped once or twice. When no one was looking.]
[ . . .
Awkward, indeed.]
Alf...I'm sorry about my behavior these past two weeks. Especially the last time we spoke. I know I must have seemed, um, very s-strange.
Please, Giles. There's no need to apologize. I'd thought something was off, but I was behaving strangely myself -- if anything, I should be sorry for how oblivious and inconsiderate I was.
[Welp, that explains the there's-something-off aura.] I had no idea . . .
Are you all right, Giles?
No. I've had my soul transplanted twice over the course of the week, which is an exceptionally unpleasant feeling, and I spent most of that week safely locked up.
But I'm getting better. [And he sounds as though he means it.]
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