My browser's 'home page' was temporarily reset to and I was subjected to
a slate article on gaming. Included was the following important information:
The trick behind cracking a difficult game is to surrender to the chaos. Gamers call it "button mashing." When you first encounter a difficult game, just wade in, thrash away at the buttons, and hope for the best. Eventually you'll do something accidentally brilliant, and then you can try to repeat it. (Not much different from how we approach everyday life, really.)We tend to think of top players as having Jedi-like Zen control over the game, but they too started out by flailing.
I feel sorry for this man for two reasons.
1. He's not very good at video games.
2. He applies this same philosophy to everyday life
Looking at his previous articles, I'd say he doesn't know very much about the gaming industry, either. Note that he refers to Final Fantasy 7 as a niche game played by a "geek-core" audience. The man is button mashing his way through journalism. Why does Slate pay money for this crap?