A mostly screencap post

Oct 17, 2010 18:10

  • Bought a colorful envelope set! Now to actually start writing letters..
  • Watched The Golden Compass with my sister. It's a shame that it pales in comparison to the book series. D:
  • Finished Shadow Hearts 2 and it was delightfully fun to play! I've gotten so attached to the characters from the first two games that I'm delaying playing the third, haha.
  • Cirque du Soleil will be in town! *o* The Alegria show specifically. The family is still deciding whether to go (if we're free then) and if we can afford to.
  • Like everyone says, Mother is so good. For a human drama, the pacing wasn't slow at all. I could not stop watching.

    And lastly:

    Oh Jun, not everyone can pull off standing by the sink like you do.
  • jdramas, smap, gaming, screencaps, arashi

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