I seriously need the Rookies OST now. D: The music's too beautiful. That drama makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. ♥
I've also been listening to One Love and How to fly way too often. XD God, how I love How to fly. And I noticed something; no rapping. :O So that means no sakurap for this single? And, I hope Arashi performs How to fly on Music Station, etc. along with One Love. Just because I love it so much and it'd be like what they did for the Lai-Lai-Lai performance (which I'm so glad they did that song because it was AMAZING).
WHO ELSE IS CRYING OF HAPPINESS BECAUSE NINO IS APPEARING IN MAOU? Well, the first episode but any Ohmiya goodness is enough to have me flailing. *__* Oh producer-san, I love you.
I'm excited for Hanadan Final too but just thinking about how it's a movie and how much longer it'd take for the DVD to be released before it leaks onto the internet makes me wish I was in Japan at this moment. ><;
Green is my favorite color and I've gone through too many Hulk jokes. XD So to satisfy my friends, we went to see The Incredible Hulk today in the theaters and IT WAS MADE OF SO MUCH AWESOME. I want my own Kickass!Hulk now.
I was actually going to wait to make an entry 'til I can upload
more sketches for Nino month but I fail. And I didn't want to have you guys witness how I can really butcher Nino's features. HAHA. Maybe another time. XD