Snow first hit us on Sunday. :D Unfortunately, it wasn't dangerous enough for school to be canceled yesterday. :( While I was driving to school though, I was at a stoplight and suddenly an icicle came crashing down from the light. XD I was lucky it didn't hit me and that I was at a stop. It sure jolted me though. Haha. So yesterday evening I ended up watching the news to see if it got any worse. It sure did, and school today is canceled! I jumped when they announced it and high-fived my mom (who works for the school district too). XDD YAY FOR US. I went to bed soon after and then our electricity went out. My first thought was, "My BT download! T___T" LOL. I'm so sad.
This is what it looks like in my backyard. I wish there was more snow, but I guess the ice is bad enough on the roads.
And a close-up of the ice on the branches. :) Winter is such a wonderful season.
I also found THIS on the kitchen counter when I arrived home from school yesterday. I just stood there shocked for a minute at least. I love my dad. He knows how much I wanted this movie on DVD. I was eventually going to buy it for myself. He found it for $5.95; well, I don't know how much he loves me but we sure are a frugal family. XDD