fun outing~

Jan 19, 2009 21:43


such a loooong time since i had real fun!
well.. not that long.
i just dunno, when meeting with the girls, we automatically become genki! XDDD

i guess, when u get to meet (AT LAST!) the people you have something in common or the people who appreciate/love the same things we do, plain and simple, you'll be happy.

So, yesterday we went to eat at ( Read more... )

pictures, arashians meet up, arashi fandom, purikura

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leenoux January 19 2009, 14:53:27 UTC
Nak ituuuuutttt~~~~~
Waaaaa~~ Beshnya... RM55 for jap food buffet?!! Pastu makan kat sana for 5 hours? XDDDD *tsk tsk*
Definitely.. I HAVE to go there. Plz go there again when I come back to Msia ye? Plz plz plz plz plz plz~~~ *show u an aiba pouting face* XD

Glad u guys hv fun!

And. LOL! knape ecot je yg ada crown n nurse punya topi? XDD or whatever it is called

ps: gambare ohno-kun~! <-- as a fan i have to wish too. XD


hakita9 January 19 2009, 15:11:44 UTC
def def def DEFINITELY!!
it shud be put on the top of the list "things u shud do bile balik malaysia."

mesti mesti mesti mkn japanese buffet!~
mesti mesti mesti amik purikura~!!
mesti mesti mesti pergi bon odori~
mesti mesti mesti g karaoke!!!

mesti mesti mesti jumpe the girls!


kitorg saje jee buli ecot. if u look closely at the photo with white-heart-shape background, we also bullied k.fad!
then again, the icons were soo cute. we cudnt resist!


leenoux January 19 2009, 17:14:52 UTC
YAAAAYYYYYYYY~~ And hopefully I can go!! :DDD

Harap2 la dpt placement bln 6 pastu awal bln 7 dh blh blk msia~ pastu gi karaoke~ pastu gi makan japanese buffet~ gi bon odori~~ n amik purikura~~


purikura tu ape ye? ^^;;


leenoux January 19 2009, 17:27:58 UTC
Erm, okay. lepas berpikir2 balik... Adekah purikura itu iyelah mesin amik gmbar yg mcm slalu ada kt dlm citer jepun tuh..?
Erm.. ke... purikura tu refer pd gmbar yg terhasil dr mesin gmbar tu..?

Actually the 1st time I read it I thot u were referring to food. Tp lpas baca kali ke-2 baru terpikir it's sumthing to do with picture. XD


hakita9 January 20 2009, 23:06:59 UTC

good job googling! XDD

so next time, LETS!


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