such a loooong time since i had real fun!
well.. not that long.
i just dunno, when meeting with the girls, we automatically become genki! XDDD
i guess, when u get to meet (AT LAST!) the people you have something in common or the people who appreciate/love the same things we do, plain and simple, you'll be happy.
So, yesterday we went to eat at
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Nak ituuuuutttt~~~~~
Waaaaa~~ Beshnya... RM55 for jap food buffet?!! Pastu makan kat sana for 5 hours? XDDDD *tsk tsk*
Definitely.. I HAVE to go there. Plz go there again when I come back to Msia ye? Plz plz plz plz plz plz~~~ *show u an aiba pouting face* XD
Glad u guys hv fun!
And. LOL! knape ecot je yg ada crown n nurse punya topi? XDD or whatever it is called
ps: gambare ohno-kun~! <-- as a fan i have to wish too. XD
it shud be put on the top of the list "things u shud do bile balik malaysia."
mesti mesti mesti mkn japanese buffet!~
mesti mesti mesti amik purikura~!!
mesti mesti mesti pergi bon odori~
mesti mesti mesti g karaoke!!!
mesti mesti mesti jumpe the girls!
kitorg saje jee buli ecot. if u look closely at the photo with white-heart-shape background, we also bullied k.fad!
then again, the icons were soo cute. we cudnt resist!
Harap2 la dpt placement bln 6 pastu awal bln 7 dh blh blk msia~ pastu gi karaoke~ pastu gi makan japanese buffet~ gi bon odori~~ n amik purikura~~
purikura tu ape ye? ^^;;
Erm.. ke... purikura tu refer pd gmbar yg terhasil dr mesin gmbar tu..?
Actually the 1st time I read it I thot u were referring to food. Tp lpas baca kali ke-2 baru terpikir it's sumthing to do with picture. XD
good job googling! XDD
so next time, LETS!
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